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British Currency

Money is divided into pounds (£) shillings (s. or /-) and pennies (d.).
Thus, 4 pounds, eight shillings and fourpence would be written as £4/8/4d. or £4-8-4d.

There are:
  • 20 shillings in £1 - a shilling was often called 'bob', so 'ten bob' was 10/-
  • 12 pennies in 1 shilling
  • 240 pennies in £1

Pennies were broken down into other coins:
  • a farthing (a fourth- thing) was ¼ of a penny
  • a halfpenny (hay-p'ny) was ½ of a penny
  • three farthings was ¾ of a penny

Other coins of a value less than 1/- were:
  • a half-groat (2d) 6 x 2d = 1/-
  • a threepenny bit (3d) made of silver 4 x 3d. = 1/-
  • a groat (4d) 3 x 4d = 1/-
  • sixpence (silver) - often called a 'tanner' 2 x 6d = 1/-

Coins of more than 1/- but less than £1 in value were:
  • a two shilling piece (called a florin) 10 x 2/- = £1
  • a half-crown ( 2/6d) 8 x 2/6d = £1
  • a crown (5/-) 4 x 5/- = £1
  • ten shillings (a half-sovereign) 2 x 10/- = £1
  • a half-guinea (10/6d) 2 x 10/6d = £1/1/-

A £1 coin was called:
  • a Sovereign and was made of gold.
  • A paper pound often was called a 'quid'.

Coins of more than £1 were:
  • a guinea (£1/1/-)
  • a £5 coin

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