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Missions Now Available (Beta)

Posted by Kormazon December 23rd 2013, 2:54pm
If you have constructed a squad within the Squad Construction forum. You may now turn your attention to the newly constructed Mission Center.

Here you will create a forum based with your squad name and will figure out which mission you want to take. The current mission list will be located on the Squad section of BranchWood Academy Group page. It'll be a side bar with a list of missions.

Afterwards you will use this time to discuss among your squad which one you will take on. Afterwards you will then wait on myself to create a new forum for you to RP in.

Keep in mind this is where the serious action shall occur and you will be in grave danger. So make sure your prepared.

I will be the narrator within this section of the BranchWood Academy Group. Rolls will be used to determine outcomes and other things (this is why it's marked Beta at this current time. Not all my ideas are set in stone yet to how I want to go about this.)


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