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Forums » Introduction's for the Group » Tucker Orbis Terrae

Name: Tucker Orbis Terrae

Appearance: VERY tall, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes flecked with gold. Pale skin and on the lean, toned side of things.

Personality: Juvenile and prideful, somewhat overconfident and loves cracking jokes, no matter the situation

Misc: Werewolf
I would like to welcome you here to BranchWood Academy! It's good to see another use this forum. It totally helps me and others get a quick look up and summary! Plus it's unique cause each character is so different.

Anyway! All that aside good to see another face here in BranchWood Academy! So I hope you enjoy your stay! Any questions I'llanswer tthem here or on Pm. Hope you enjoy your stay!
Thank you kind sir :D

Moderators: Kormazon