Name: Gale
Age: 19
Occupation: Wanderer, No Real Occupation
Hair: Long Black Hair
Eyes: Black
Scars: None
Skin: Moderately Tan
Physique: Athletic, Toned
Age: 19
Occupation: Wanderer, No Real Occupation
Hair: Long Black Hair
Eyes: Black
Scars: None
Skin: Moderately Tan
Physique: Athletic, Toned
Welcome to Branchwood!
I just felt like I should welcome you here.

Thank you I don't know much about branch wood academy but I will try hard to meet the demands.
Let me be the second to welcome you to Branchwood academy. As a fellow student I wish to warn you that this place is no walk in the park. So be on you guard at all times. I do hope you enjoy it here in the building and make good friends around here, nothing makes a better army than those who are willing to fight because you are what they love. Again, please enjoy yourself and make your way to the forums. Make sure to start a squad with others A.S.A.P. And see if others are making a squad before making your own forum in the squad construction forum branch. This is the beginning of a new year and a wonderful beginning to a new student. See you in the halls!
Moderators: Kormazon