A man who stands at 6'3" walks out of the auditorium, his hair is a dark brown and parted at his left eye, it was down to his jaw line and had no curls or anything, just bland brown hair. His emerald eyes look around but he goes back to scanning his paper and leaves the auditorium. He is wearing a black tee shirt and dark green skinny jeans. His dark green converse were squeaking a bit on the marble floor, but only due to his clumsy walking. His body seemed tone and powerful, bit he was really not that strong. Two burlap bags are tied at his waist and bounce as he walks, though they are there and clearly filled with something, they do not make a sound. The. Man's name was Benton. As Benton walked out of the auditorium and stared at his papers, he was so intent to them that he bumped into the wall, he quickly looked up and smiled a bit. "Sorry there." He said as he patted the wall gently. He then walked around and looked around. If I am to become a good thief he thought to himself as he sat down in a chair near the wall, I'm going to have to get a good crew to keep my back hidden. But who should I pick? he looked around, yawning a bit due to his lack of sleep. He looked more and more, but started to doze off in the chair.
Cylenium's departure from his planet was approximately seven hours ago, yet he managed to make it to the academy so quickly in search of his sibling. He knew well that they wouldn't show their position so he'd have to stay until he actually encountered them.
His amethyst eyes scanned the room, a unique set of orbs with black slits circled around his pupil. There was a great contrast between his tanned skin and white hair that streamed down to the base of his back. What he wore was unearthly, a 'melloon' it was called in his native tongue. A black covering that connected to the skin, both sharing same nerves and feel. Like an extra layer of skin, but it covered what it needed to. It had extended to his feet, wrists, and bottom of his jaw. The Sentív (male of his species) was rather toned and extremely tall. 6'5 of looking to be precise, but that was the average height of his specie.
His eyes flicked to the sound of a voice, a thought rather, speaking. Audible enough for Cylenium to hear. It was a man sitting placid now. It was no gift to hear thoughts, it was what they all had to communicate if by whatever reason they could not speak. Emotions were also physical and could be felt by any other if strong enough.
Hearing that the man was in search of a squad the sentív approached, his belongings in a bag looking item attached to his back. "You're looking for a squad. Yes?"
His amethyst eyes scanned the room, a unique set of orbs with black slits circled around his pupil. There was a great contrast between his tanned skin and white hair that streamed down to the base of his back. What he wore was unearthly, a 'melloon' it was called in his native tongue. A black covering that connected to the skin, both sharing same nerves and feel. Like an extra layer of skin, but it covered what it needed to. It had extended to his feet, wrists, and bottom of his jaw. The Sentív (male of his species) was rather toned and extremely tall. 6'5 of looking to be precise, but that was the average height of his specie.
His eyes flicked to the sound of a voice, a thought rather, speaking. Audible enough for Cylenium to hear. It was a man sitting placid now. It was no gift to hear thoughts, it was what they all had to communicate if by whatever reason they could not speak. Emotions were also physical and could be felt by any other if strong enough.
Hearing that the man was in search of a squad the sentív approached, his belongings in a bag looking item attached to his back. "You're looking for a squad. Yes?"
Benton was softly sleeping in the chair her found, he was folded down to his head rested on his knees. He snored softly as he laid there. His hair covering his right eye and half of his left eye as he snored away. His black bag of belongings resting next to him by the chair.
Gilfer struts out of the exam room, feeling confident in his results. He can see people of all races and sizes, reminding him of his home.He was Bored. Reaching into his white trench coat he pulls out his medallion and remembers why he's here here THUD he looks for the source of the sound and just sees some guy talking to wall,"That's not boring." he says to himself as he walks past. just realizing how exhausting that exam was he decides to take a seat next to this man and meditate.
The sentív had no real experience with humans or any other race for that matter, but they were all humanoids. He would figure out something. Seeing that the man was quickly caught up in his sleep, Cylenium spoke in his mind instead. Wake up.
Benton reacted and jumped up to his feet, quickly slipping his hand into the burlap bag and pulls out a gold coin from it, looking around for an opponent. "Who said that?" He said quickly as he looked around for a person of interest. As he sees Cylenium his hand lowers and the coin drops. "Oh, hello" he speaks with a happy tone I his voice. Though he dropped the coin hit the ground, it popped with a loud bang that startle Benton and made hi. Jump with shock. "Oopse." He laughed, "my bad."
Gilfer jumped out of his seat frantically looking around and upon looking down he sees the remnants of the coin. "oh explosive money cool." he sees Benton and Cylenium and remarks "Oh Hi, how long have you guys been there!, also watch out someones throwing explosive money this way."
Cylenium, knowing him took the phrase quite literally though he didn't look around to see who was throwing what. He raised a brow towards the two of them and took the moment to study up on their behavior. Hello. Hi. Were those the same things?
Banton puts a hand out to Cylenium and smiles brightly. "I am Tein, Benton Tien. I cam here looking for my brother and thought that I could find him here. So here I am. What are you here for?" He questioned without remorse and clue of what Cylenium is, nor did he care. His small talk was merely something to help out with a conversation.
Hesitantly, he takes the mans hand although he didn't understand the gesture. His head tilted at his reason for attending the academy. Strange. Coincidental even. "We're here for the same reason," he stated, his voice holding an unfamiliar accent.
He smiles brightly and laughs a bit. "Small world," he states, then turns to the man int white. "What about you?" He says to the man who jumped at his coins blowing up.
"im looking for a squad myself and i've decided you're going to be my partner". he said with a smile on his face. "so when do you want to start?"
He whirls around without hesitation and smiles with a wide smile, his fangs seem to be large, but only slightly, nothing big to deal with. "Fantastic! we have three men and we are ready to go! So what will our name be?" His voice sounded very excited, but as experienced in the last few minutes, that doesn't seem to disappear.
He stands up, gives Benton and cylenium the most serious look theyve ever received, takes off his nonexistent sunglasses and says "alright after hours of pondering i believe we should be the news-team."
Cylenium didn't mind much for the name of the squad, as long as they could communicate wel- .. If they could communicate well. The sentìv was hard at understanding Gilfer's jokes and knew that he didn't spend hours thinking of a name in just a few minutes.
Benton laughed and nodded with amusement. He then leans forward with his shoulder first and head tilted a bit. "I agree, it would be a shock to the world of our new coming power." He says with slight excitement.
To the sentív's dismay, nothing they said could process through his mind. The meaning behind their words incoherent and the way they had spoken it, almost adolescent. "What do you plan to do now that we have formulated a squad?" his accent was thick and his words could barely be made out, but it was decent at understanding.
after a pause Gilfer intently looks at benton and cylenium and says "I believe we have to elect a leader, anyone want to volunteer?"
he whirls around with a broad smile and steps in front of Cylenium, "I plan to find my brother. knowing him, he's probably here massing with something or some girl, he was always trying to find some woman to be with." he laughs a bit and smiles softly, "Younger brothers always have the oddest thing about them." he commented almost absent minded. "So are you the older or younger one?" he asks Cylenium with interest.
"Older," he stated, taking note of how short the dwellers of the planet tended to be though the two were near his height. "Who is your brother?" his eyes drifted off to a few other students before meeting back with his. Their thoughts were much too loud.
Moderators: Kormazon