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Monsters and Men

  • -London, 2012-

    The City of Fog had seen a great war. Vatican Zealot Crusaders, undead Nazi soldiers, werewolves, vampires and an army of souls clashed in its streets. Monsters and Men fought face to face though in the blood and ash of the onslaught, they became indistinguishable.
    Integra Hellsing had given the approval to release the final seal of Alucard's power restriction, and ordered the destruction of the Millenium and Vatican forces. With that final order, Integra relieved the vampire from his servitude, setting him free. Though as Alucard ravenously devoured all those who had fallen on that urban battlefield, it seemed that his long reign as the Vampire King was being brought to an end by just one single, anomalous soul...

    fLvH9F3.png JA! Zat vas ME! NYA!

    bIhbvPb.png Shut up, I'm trying to tell a story here!

    fLvH9F3.png But it's so BORING! Zey already know all of zat, if zey vere paying attention...Hurry up and get to ze part zey haven't heard yet!

    bIhbvPb.png I'm recapping for those short-attention span having meat-bags. And don't tell me what to do, you Nazi twat or I swear to Cain's bushy eyebrows I'm gonna.... You know what...Fuck it, you already ruined it.

    Anyway, 13 years after the war ended (not 30, like in the OVA and Manga...Couldn't wait that damn long) Alucard finally managed to regain a physical form and returned to the Hellsing Estate. While Integra had been slipping deeper and deeper into a depression born from loss and guilt, Seras and Silver have tried their best to keep her spirits up while keeping the estate well guarded. Now, Integra is faced with some very strong emotions and a difficult decision only she will be able to make.
    Apparently a good butler is also very hard to come by these days...

    There! The End!

    fLvH9F3.png HURRAH!!

  • *~Things Of The Past~*
  • What Music They Make

    London; the turn of the 20th century.

    While the Millennium Organization in Brazil and Germany is slowly strengthening its army of engineered vampires, the Hellsing Organization is also striving to increase their numbers. Still recovering from the loss of many brave soldiers massacred by the Valentine bothers, Pip Bernadotte and his Wild Geese are doing all they can to help train new recruits and protect the organization. That is what they are paid to do, after all.

    Unfortunately, monsters never slumber for long. Wicked creatures frequently creep from the shadows, leaving death and destruction in their wake. However, they are but mere distractions; annoyances dwarfed in comparison to the historically cataclysmic events that lie ahead.

    Recently, there seems to have been an influx of not only vampire activity, but also reports of werewolves wreaking havoc across the globe. Even the Vatican and Enrico Maxwell's Iscariot Organization have expressed some concerns.

    Are these incidents all connected to Millennium? Are all these monstrosities under the control of one central figure of leadership or do they cause carnage and destruction of their own free will? There are answers to be had, and as is to be expected, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing will stop at nothing to get them... even if it means causing collateral damage, taking lives, and becoming circumstantial allies with otherwise unlikely individuals.

    Having been sent back to Badrick to investigate suspicions of Werewolf activity, Alucard and Seras found something they weren't quite expecting. Seras, with her soft-spot for orphaned youth, begged Alucard to spare the life of a werewolf pup... and took it home?

    Who would have thought that it could become such a loyal and substantial ally...
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