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Knowledge is Power

  • Let me be the first to say that I’m not a huge fan of rules, especially in the realm of Free Form RP. They impose on creativity and limit the full potential of everyone involved. However, if I find that one or more participants are unable to responsibly (and respectfully) handle this level of freedom, I won’t hesitate to implement restrictions accordingly. It only takes one person to ruin the experience for everyone else, and with a decade and a half of RP experience under my belt, I’ve seen it happen time and time again. So all I ask is that you please practice good RP etiquette and take the simple guidelines listed below into consideration.
  • Please Read Carefully

    Avoid blurring the lines. Keeping IC and OOC separate from one another tends to help prevent personal drama from causing tension and corrupting the game environment with possible awkwardness. This is why OOC designated forums have been set up. Please make use of them.

    We don’t need to know your whole life story. A player may divulge as much or as little information about themselves as they feel comfortable with, or can even choose to remain completely anonymous. Making new friends can be great and rewarding, but be respectful when a player isn’t interested in socializing out of character.

    Speak up. Communication is vital when it comes to keeping everyone as happy as possible with their RP experience. Whether there is a plot idea you want to bring to the table, or you want to shed light on an issue with another player/character, don’t be afraid to voice what you have to say. No one here is going to bite your head off unless tantrums start being thrown.

    It’s not the size that counts. Players have different styles of RP and writing. While some express themselves sufficiently with just a few sentences, others may feel like it takes multiple paragraphs to describe their character’s actions, words, thoughts, and feelings. You don’t have to write a novel, but please don’t habitually churn out one-liners either. What’s far more important than post size, however, is the amount of time it takes to write and post it. I understand that every player writes at different speeds, but if it takes 2 days to write a 5-sentence response post, then something just isn’t quite right.

    What you say and how you say it. Let’s face it, there is no quicker mood-killer in an RP than a player with terrible spelling and grammar issues. Now, I understand that English isn’t everyone’s first language here. I’ve spent a good amount of time RPing with a player native to Colombia, and although their spelling and sentence structure wasn’t 100% perfect, it was obvious that they were trying their absolute best and improving every step of the way.

    Regarding Characters. The Hellsing universe is filled with a myriad of beings, whether they be human, supernatural, or bio-engineered. Each character posses their own unique arsenal of skills, powers, strengths, and weaknesses. Both Cannon and Original characters are welcome. However, if you plan to play a character of your own creation, I ask that you please provide a brief summary of your character's powers and/or skills. You can do this easily by listing them in your character's profile. Please keep in mind that this knowledge will be kept completely OOC until it comes up during RP, and is only meant to make things more fair considering that we all know and have seen what all of our Cannon characters are capable of. Additionally, all Cannon characters who are not claimed by a player will be treated as NPCs until they are claimed.

    Idle Time. If for any reason a player is inactive for an extended period of time without giving notification, arrangements will be made to continue the story without them. I know that Real Life happens, and things come up that take precedence over RP. That is perfectly understandable, so just let someone know and we'll work something out.

    With all of that said, I hope that everyone's RP experience here will be an enjoyable one.

    If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to your faithful Moderator and favorite red-coated blood fiend, Alucard.

    Thank you.