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Hi. I am bad at conversation. I don't typically speak without something to say. This creates an illusion of inactivity. In order to dispel this, I made this topic to tackle the largest issue--starting conversations--by shamelessly littering the place with my picks for combat music. So, I will now take one from my pile, drop it here, and see what happens.

There you are, enjoy that.
Hey! Welcome back and thank you for sharing that! I love it and it reminds me of a lot of the stuff I listen to when I write and draw as well. It has been added to my collection of inspirational material! Before I join you in this very fun game though, I do want to reassure you that inactivity...or at least the appearance thereof, isn't much of an issue and won't really be scoffed at (at least not by me), considering things are very languid and laid back here right now anyway. Did you get a new computer? O.o

Anyway, commencing the music sharing of epic awesomeness in 3.....2.....1.....


Please enjoy
No. No, I did not. I still have the on-screen keyboard up and have to click it for f, g, and z. Annoying. But I shouldn't let that stop me. I'll never run out of reasons to not do something. Finding reasons for the contrary takes effort.

Back on-topic, I have a nice collection. I'll drop another one in here.

This one is for bomber sequences.
You know, I used to listen to Two Steps From Hell a lot a handful of years ago when I was still in high school. These days, however, I don't very much at all. I don't typically share or recommend it, either. Not because it's bad. It just seems..I dunno. Too easy? I mean, you ask someone, "what's some epic sounding music?" and they'd probably link you to one of those songs. I realize that makes me sound a lot like a hipster, doesn't it? I don't like it as much because it's so mainstream. Maybe I don't dislike the music, so much as I dislike the atmosphere around it. You see TSFH anywhere, and the word "epic" is bound to follow. It's like smoke and fire, where you find one you'll inevitably find the other. I've grown to kind of despise "epic" as a word. It's been overused and misused so hard for so long, it's basically become depleted uranium--an inert lump of uninteresting metal. And that quality sort of rubs off on the music. I see TSFH, and an association is made between the rather good music, and the unfortunately "cringey"--that's another term I'm starting to hate-- atmosphere that surrounds it online. If I had a dollar for every slapdash AMV I've seen set to a TSFH track that had "unregistered hypercam 2" up in the corner, I could have as many fully-functional keyboards as I wanted.

But yeah, TSFH is good music. I still go back and jam out to Invincible, False King, and Tristan on occasion.
Hehe, looks like I gotta step up my game then! Challenge accepted!

I think you do have a very good point though. It does fit into that box of overplayed 'stereotypical Epic' music, as it were. Depleted Uranium...I couldn't have said it any better. Surprisingly, I haven't run into a lot of people who have heard TSFH...not sure why that is, exactly, but whenever I mention it to someone, they're like 'What? Who?' *shrug*

*shudders* cringey...ugh...that has to be on the same list of linguistic atrocities as irregardless.... and nucular.

I'm gonna go on my quest to dig up some tasty tunes to share now.
I have enough saved for the lot of you combined.

One of my favorite covers.
Hhhmmmm I feel like we're going in an interesting direction here lol
I'll go just about any direction at any time. The mood is a weird thing. Expect varying extremes. I enjoy this one's atmosphere. Typically, I judge music by how well it fits with mental imagery of rolling thunder and thousand-yard stares. So long as we're on a melancholy note, I have one here that is long-preferred.

Another cover, fancy that.

I have a separate example to show what I meant earlier.

See what I mean?
Also, I realize that at this early stage, we are little more than strangers to each other. And while, with time, one may be able to get a gradual read on one's interests, I consider it a bit more efficient to simply fast-track that process.

If I were to present you with a condensed audio-visual synopsis of what I, as a person, am all about..?

This would be it.
Oh.....Oh my....
It's amazing how well that fits, and I do appreciate a good dosage of Lorde. It's been a little while since I've saturated my auditory nerves with her vocal prowess, so thank you for that!

I suppose I can leave a little bit of this over here...

And just to throw everything off kilter and portray how my ADD brain feels right now, THAT is probably as apt of a description as any.
*raises hand*

Does this count?
*casually leaves this here*

And this
There is some good stuff here.

When searching for music in situations like these, I think the atmosphere is everything. Obviously, this is a matter of personal opinion and will differ from person to person. What fits the mood perfectly to one, will seem like something that belongs in a bottom-tier AMV made by someone with basic knowledge of WMM.

Personally, I prefer heavier, more baleful-sounding, or somber music around here. Music that is evocative of, say, stone-faced men staring thoughtlessly at passing terrain from their aircraft, minds occupied with the task at hand. Very cerebral, they communicate efficiently without words as they're carried by roaring engines towards their collective fate. Or, perhaps, away from it. Temporarily hollow and bereft of purpose, their duty, for the moment, fulfilled.

Here is a suitable example.

And another.

Of course, it is important to break up the monotony with the appropriate doses of cheese. Halo 2, for example, wove a very serious story. The events carried serious narrative weight. And yet, when you step through those double-doors and into the Prophets' sanctum on High Charity, and wade knee-deep into a snarling whirlwind of fur, and teeth, and energy blasts to the opening chords of Breaking Benjamin's "Blow Me Away", it gives one pause enough to remember that while the fate of Humanity's cradle is presently at're still playing a game. You've been strung along enough, it's time to have some fun.

Ask yourself something. "Would I set this song to play through Pequod's helicopter speakers?"

If the answer is yes, it's probably a winner.
*feels left out and wants to add his $0.02 in music choice.*
I have recently discovered a particular group whose themes and choice in imagery fits the place rather well. Here, I'll leave a couple choice picks.

Monstrance Clock.

Moderators: Alucard (played anonymously) Integra Hellsing (played by KhaleesiDany) Seras Victoria (played anonymously)