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A proper first post will be added once I finish it.
But for now I will write up a basic thing of what will happen in here.

Five years have passed since the battles, five years since Integra had lost everything. She had five years to rebuild everything and with Silver and a few others by her side, things at least worked out. But somehow Integra is a changed woman, more than anyone might have expected. Tortured by so many things her only escape seemed to be drinking but often at night she went on long walks, never speaking of what she did during those walks.
(I'm just posting to get something going. It's waaaay too quiet.)
Silver slunk through the halls of Hellsing manor. He stayed low, on all fours as he moved about the estate. He still hadn't said anything. Not since his original finding. (See previous posts from 2014) Much of his communication was canine, mostly consisting of things like: yelps, growls, and whimpers.... the occasional bark might have slipped from the boy's mouth, but he had been nothing but submissive (dog terms - not slave). He avoided any of the staff Miss Integra had hired after the Geese were slaughtered. He even stayed across the room from Miss Integra herself, despite her taking over as the matriarch figure in his life. The only one he seemed to allow anywhere near him was Seras Victoria. Her gentle and usually chipper demeanor helped the boy feel at ease whenever she was around. However, it was nearly three in the afternoon and the vampiress was sound asleep. This left the boy to fend for himself for the time being. He was absolutely STARVING, having not been able to make it to the kitchen without encountering someone. And they always wanted to touch him!! The female staff wanted to pet him and mess with his hair! The guards thought it was funny to poke at the boy with the barrels of their guns. His fearful and highly skittish nature, sent the boy tearing through the house and down into the basement (into Alucard's room) at this point. This left the boy without food for two and a half days. The need for nourishment was forcing him to have to brave this perilous expedition. As of now, he was on the same floor as the kitchen, just a few halls away. If he could at least get there he could see if anyone was inside. If there was, he could find a way to sneak in and out without anyone seeing him. From there he'd just bolt back down into the basement and feast on whatever his score would be.
(that's perfectly fine since I gave a basic note of what the setting will be after all ;) )

A day like any other for the past five years. Paperwork of hiring staff and the work of finding more people to join her. It really wasn't an easy task and after just five years Integra herself was still far from fully recovered. While the physical wounds had healed, one could only guess the emotional ones, wounds that went far deeper than anyone could ever see and that she would never speak of. On the outside she seemed fine, but who spent more time with her quickly learned that the once calm and serious young woman had turned more cold and even aggressive and violent. She tended to sleep until noon because often enough she left for walks in the evening and didn't let anyone come with her.

Letting out a sigh the ashen haired woman shifted a few papers on her desk before her head slumped to her chest and the crystalline glass fell on the table, rolling over it. She had been drinking...again. A low groan escaped her when her eye snapped open again just seconds after she had zoned out. Glancing around she noticed that her bottle of whiskey was already empty and with another groan she pushed herself to her feet. With her gaze focused on the ground, her mind mostly focused on walking normal to let anyone she came across see that things were fine, she wandered through the halls.

"Why did you leave me?" She muttered under her breath, her tone almost sounding aggressive but easily turning almost desperate. "Please come back....I need you....I can't do this without you..." Those were words people could easily hear her mutter every day once she had been drinking. But those words also came from her at night when she was dreaming, only that then she was screaming them, the tone of desperation followed by cries of deep sadness. Muttering those words to herself she kept wandering through the halls until she was near the kitchen as well.

Hearing a small noise, Integra lifted her head and her eye fell on Silver. "Silver...come here." No order, but simply very soft spoken words. While the head of Hellsing was normally known as distant and cold, she was kind and gentle to the boy, truly seeming to care for him.
Silver was sure he could make it this time. It was when the house wasn't busy and the servants seemed to just be missing. Were they out running errands, food shopping? Honestly, the boy didn't care. He was just glad that no one seemed to be around and that gave him the chance to scavange for food, before disappearing once more. Maybe he could take some of the stuff that wouldn't spoil. The loaf of bread alone, would feed him for a few days if he rationed it. If he was able to snag that and a box of something from the pantry, he'd be set! All his excitement, all his hope and delight came to a screeching halt at the sound of three words. "Silver.... come here." He knew that voice. It was Miss Integra's. The pup froze mid step. Front pa-hand... hovering a handful of inches above the floor. He stared at one particular spot for several moments before he suddenly took in a shaky, but deep breath. Slowly, the pup's eye's raised to meet Miss Integra's. He stared at her, wide eyed, like a deer in headlights for several moments more before he blinked several times and turning his gaze back to the floor. He waited for the woman to move, speak, something! Was he in trouble for coming to the kitchen? Would he have to hunt his own food? He'd never been hunting before. Silver had no idea what to do.
A soft sigh came over her lips when she saw his reaction. Of course Integra didn't want to scare him or seem threatening in any way. But she was sure he could smell the alcohol....and alcohol often turned her into a more mean and aggressive person. And sometimes...sometimes she wasn't aggressive, sometimes she was overly nice. But those nice drunk moments were rare...very rare.
"You're hungry...." Her voice was still soft, no sign of the mean drunk, just soft and friendly. Her expression was just as soft as her voice, gentle and kind but her eye showed the same sadness it always showed, a sadness she refused to speak about to anyone. For just a few seconds she reached for him, slender fingers briefly stroking his hair before she stepped away and walked into the kitchen. "Come on...let's find you something to eat."
Silver stared, wide eyed and frozen, unsure of what to do. Should he run? He knew she wouldn't hurt him. At least not intentionally. He tended to hide from her.... and everyone else in the estate. Her alcoholism scared him, especially when someone made her angry. Right now, she seemed okay. He could smell the whiskey from where he stood, but she wasn't upset or anything. Silver couldn't help but flinch when she'd stated the obvious. All he needed now was for his stomach to make noise. He stayed still and looked back down to the floor. He shrank into himself as she got closer to him and couldn't help but jolt when her hand touch his head. A shiver ran through Silver, finally settling after a moment or so. The soft pets helped ease his fear and tension. His head gently pushed back into her hand before she drew it away. He looked up at her, not with fear or anything similar. It was curiosity that reigned. His head lifted up a bit to watch her walk into the kitchen. He followed her movement for a brief moment before actually following her into the kitchen. He stayed a few paces behind, still on all fours, but walking a bit taller than he normally did. (So like normal, instead of slinking on the floor) Silver watched the woman, curiously and moved to a corner of the kitchen that he'd be out of the way. He didn't know what she was doing, nor did he want to be in the way.
Adding onto the last post))
The boy watched his guardian move about the kitchen preparing a meal with both concern and curiosity. She only used one of everything, vegetables, meat, etc. He realized that she was only making enough for him, and forgoing herself. Silver frowned a bit and tilted his head, wondering why. Was she feeling ill? Was she just not hungry? Or was she not eating again because she was too sad to? That seemed like the most likely cause. He'd seen her go a few days without eating, relying on only tea, alcohol and cigars until she finally gave in. This made the young pup feel rather guilty. He wasn't efficient enough to even make his own food, yet here was Miss Integra, doing it for him when she could barely maintain herself. A small flare of determination flickered within the boy as he crept closer, until he was just within arms reach (hers, not his) of Miss Integra. He propped his front claws up on the counter's edge to see what she was doing; cutting chicken, and decided to 'help' by going into the fridge and grabbing whatever he could that was easily in reach.

It was difficult getting the fridge door to open, but after digging at it he was able to get a grip between the double doors and pull one side open. He came back with a stalk of broccoli, returned to the fridge and back again with a potato, again with a carrot, cauliflower, a block of cheese and some green leafy stuff (cilantro). One by one, until he had a wide assortment of things.... which not all matched, but he was trying! He set them in a pile on the counter next to his guardian, making a pile out of his collection. He nudged the back of her leg and let out a soft bark. He had a small and sheepish look on his face, but his eyes looked hopeful. If she cooked it all, there would be plenty for both of them. They could both eat their fill and be happy for a change..... right?

Moderators: Alucard (played anonymously) Integra Hellsing (played by KhaleesiDany) Seras Victoria (played anonymously)