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Forums » Vicious Delicious » Ooooh heeeey there!

Well would you look at that shiny new black and red shield on my dashboard.

So, uh, hello there! *waves* I'm Malacharv's player. You can call me 'Copper' or 'Lauren' if you'd prefer though (really I'll answer to any call, s'long as you don't call me late for dinner ;3) Figured I'd trot on in and introduce myself semi-properly now that I've been accepted to the group! <3
Why hello there! First of all, a warm welcome to you. I'm glad you jumped on board with the RP! I don't know why, but I've just been calling you 'Mal' in my head all day, so I think that's probably gonna stick as my nickname for you XD
At any rate. *walks to randomly placed podium and clears throat* I'm Alucard's player, you can call me "Nyx" or "Fran" or "Alu" ... You'll hear Silver's player (whom you'll meet soon as well, I'm sure) call me a few other things, most likely. But you can use whatever works best for you, I'm not too picky =P

I'm really easy going and have a pretty good (although maybe somewhat twisted and morbid) sense of you'll probably see me goofing around in the OOC forums with random Hellsing-related stuff I happen to drag in from the bowels of the internet.

So yeah, I guess that's my introduction LOL As a welcome gift, allow me to present to you... *looks around shifty-eyed and pulls a sandwich bag out from the podium*...this sandwich! Don't ask me what's on it, because I have no clue whose sandwich this actually is.... but it's your's now! Enjoy! ^_^

I think we're gonna get along just fine...
I am 100% fine with being called Mal. In my WoD group, I tend to get called 'Mala' & 'Joh', so I'm not as terribly picky there as my first post might've seemed! *thumbs up* S'all cool.

You guys really make me want to zip down to the local bookstore to dig up volume 8 so I can keep reading the manga again, but I haven't recovered from Christmas shopping yet. And hot dog, I love sandwiches and OoC shenanigans! (Plus holy cow I appear to be hungry again. Kitchen trip!) ... just as long as it's not a vampire's. I don't think blood-and-flesh goes well between two slices of bread. *omnomnom*

Thank you for the warm welcome! You were so wonderfully personable in PM's! <3

(Now brb, seriously, I'm hungry again.)

... actually somehow this reminds me I should whip up a page on Malacharv's profile for this group. Converting him from WoD to here kind of changed a few things in that pesky ol' headcanon of mine! ^^;
Well, if it's reading material you need, here ya go: Chapters 1-95 =)

And another entertaining little treat that we all enjoy, if you aren't familiar with them yet: Hellsing Ultimate Abridged by Team Fourstar

Enjoy it all, like a stack of delightful sandwiches. <3!
Oh, awesome, manga at the tips of my fingers. Why thank you!

I've never touched the abridged version, though I've been planning to! Can't right at the moment, due to location location location, but I'll mentally book mark it for later.
*grins* You're quite welcome, on both accounts.

I think I'll re-watch it again myself... I haven't had my fix in a while LOL
Heyo, it's the pup. Don't mind the fact that I'm late to the party...
It happens a lot. When I do show up, it's hella fun so be prepared for tons of nonsensical shenanigans. All in the name of shits and giggles.

SO!! Let's get down to business! Good to have you on the team Mal.
Nyx told me that you'd be joining so I can't wait to see what level of awesomeness you bring to the table!
Hi there! :D Thank you very much for the other warm welcome. I'm really glad to be here! <g> *rubs hands together* I certainly hope I don't disappoint, because I am equally capable of bringing on awesomeness and giggling shits. ... shitting giggles?

Scratch that. Shits n' giggles. Don't fix the phrase if it ain't broke.
A warm welcome to Mihai! I have to apologize for my severe lack of brain-function at the moment... I seriously feel like I'm past flat-line right now, but I want to welcome you aboard our lovely little Hellsing RP. I hope that we'll all have some awesome times sharing our creativity and collaborating on some amazingly fun plots.
Cheers, and good night!
We got a new person? Sweeeet! Hey there!

And no one can fault anyone for a lack of activity in the last week! XD Life gets busy! Heck, I was handling work + a house guest over the weekend, on TOP of my mother's birthday this past Friday! Busy busy busy-- it happens!

Ahem! Welcome aboard though, Mihai! Glad to have you around! :D
Alucard wrote:
A warm welcome to Mihai! I have to apologize for my severe lack of brain-function at the moment... I seriously feel like I'm past flat-line right now, but I want to welcome you aboard our lovely little Hellsing RP. I hope that we'll all have some awesome times sharing our creativity and collaborating on some amazingly fun plots.
Cheers, and good night!

Oh, we will. You have my word. I've got some ideas I've been itching to bring to life. I should put together a checklist.

Ghouls? Check.
Minigun? Check.
Leopard II MBT? Check.
Ka-50 Hokum? Big check.
Is anyone still here?
Still sucked into lots of life stuff but I promise I will get to responding to stuff soon. Just been mentally drained lately.
Still here. Still waiting on an opportunity to strut my stuff.
The_Strigoi wrote:
Still here. Still waiting on an opportunity to strut my stuff.

Well, we do have a forum topic where you can join in, placed five years after the battle. Basically made it so that you can do stuff as well.
Integra Hellsing wrote:
The_Strigoi wrote:
Still here. Still waiting on an opportunity to strut my stuff.

Well, we do have a forum topic where you can join in, placed five years after the battle. Basically made it so that you can do stuff as well.

Oh, lovely. I'll look into it.
Sssoooooooo........... Idk if anyone is still active with this, (I check it periodically for updates) but I maybe have a sub-Alucard until our Alucard gets back, or we can continue the pre-return rp with him as another oc or another canon. We can work it out. Let me know what you guys think and I'll let my friend know.
Still here, surely enough. I'm down with whatever you guys decide to do.
Still here, waiting as always.

The pre-return RP is what I wanted to continue but I didn't post to give Dietrich the room to jump in.

As for the sub-Alucard...sorry but no. I do miss that RP, but a sub-Alucard wouldn't be the same. They'd only see what has been posted, but it's so much more than that. Alucard and I are totally in sync and work perfectly together. With a sub-Alucard it wouldn't be the same because that person wouldn't know how I write and work. Not to mention that person wouldn't know what Alucard and I have planned since we discussed a lot in private messages.
True enough. We'd have to spend a lot of time doing back work just to get him caught up. I didn't want to assume you'd be jumping into the romance you and Alucard are building with a totally random person. I figured it'd be a good idea for like side story shit, like dealing with the new round table or whatever else.

My friend is open to being Radu (for our romania story, later) or an oc. I just wanted to see if it was something we could do so we're not just sitting around letting the rp collect dust.

Moderators: Alucard (played anonymously) Integra Hellsing (played by KhaleesiDany) Seras Victoria (played anonymously)