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Black Cards || descending with level of current muse.
Availability and Contact
Weekdays Generally Free
Weekends Late Nights, after 10pm CST |
discord Korynn#3152 or pm
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Black Cards || descending with level of current muse.
Shitty Roommate || Currently NPC'd, she's not a great person. Could do with some serious character growth, very much degrades Jace and knows all his dirty secrets and would gladly use any of them for blackmail. Greedy and materialistic, makes Jace's life hell. Friends From Past || From back home or conversion therapy camp, they knew him as Cameron, and won't understand how much he's fallen from the memories they have of him. |
Staff || He hires those who need a place to stay, paying them with room, food, amenities, and an allowance. It's not ideal, it's not perfect. It can sometimes bite him in the ass. But if you need a real mattress under you and all you need to do in return is make some beds or dust some old furniture? Maybe offer other skills if you have any? It's not a terrible gig. Unholy or Cursed || Liam is capable of turning back curses or damnation, as long as the person coming to him is willing and wanting to change. Vampire who hates being such? Bitten by something and now have blackouts? As long as it's within the century, he can make you mortal again. It's not completely accurate, sometimes there's a catch. He doesn't advertise this, but word of mouth within the right circles has led plenty to his doorstep. |
Employees || Really just two part-timers who let him wander in and out of the shop so he can restock inventory or long-wind stories to a customer without forgetting about the rest of them. Don't need OOC permission, just let me know! Memories || Someone decided he, whatever he used to be, was just too powerful and put him in his place. He remembers magic, spells, potions, how to handle nature and what the supernatural are, but not the why's. Maybe there's guilt, or maybe someone else is capable of tapping into those blocks. He's not stripped of what he was, just...unable to access it. |
ER Regulars || Troublemakers, fighters, or kids who can't go anywhere else - they end up in the ER waiting room, and manage to meet Lady Luck. She's got a gentle touch and way with words, and if you start showing up too often for her taste's, she'll hand over a card with her number. Next time, just text. Gal Pals || She's still getting used to her femininity even after nearly a decade transitioning, and sometimes she needs someone with a little more natural touch to help her remember she's still a woman. Confidence is great, but sometimes you need someone to give you that - and her ego needs some. |
![]() Tav turned 1960's, vamp No Regerts Tattoo Shop pan, poly & single ///////////////////////////////////// |
Food || He needs food fresh from the source, he's got money to blow - you see where I'm going with this. Let's discuss long term arrangements, Tav can make sure whomever he's feeding from is living a pampered life. Emphasis on living. Employees || Front desk types, other artists and piercers. There's always NPC's but....he's got a bit of a reputation, being exclusively overnight unless you're very very lucky. |
Crossroads demon, who lives above a live stage theater and collects stray hopeful naive souls, pays them in exposure to sin. Has the stereotypical silver tongue and great at greasing the wheel to market his particular brand of business. Comes off either slimy or genuine, depend on how gullible you are. |
Seeking contracts
Predictable enough, I'd suppose. He needs to make those deals to stay on this plane, even if it's not for your soul. Could be something as small as a day of your life, or your first born, or a portion of your wellbeing and fortune. Doesn't need to immediately condemn you to hell, because he hopes once you get a taste of how good he can make it, you keep offering up parts of yourself until you fall down all on your own. So if you're desperate, or just a little gullible, let's have him talk you into some things. faith
He's a demon, and he preys on mortals. Which means those with any good intentions or morals, high and mighty or not in nature, will find him repulsive. Could we have some conflict in the form of someone who's good trying to foil his lifestyle? The less contracts he makes, the less power he has, so stopping him is the quickest way to put him back down. talent
Sometimes, Daniels will pick someone he sees has potential, and will spoil them with gifts, tangible or ones of his influence on others, and he's very boastful about it being because of him that this person gets to this place. If you feel like you can convince him you're worth his time, it can be a very rewarding experience...if you don't waste it. He'll open doors for you, but he can just as quickly close them. entertainment
This ties in with any of the above. He likes to drag out playing with the people he makes deals with, loves bantering, is very much the eccentric immortal evil-aligned type that will debate just because he enjoys seeing a person upset. Makes waves for fun, and it's easy to be pulled under if you let yourself. ////////////////////////////// |
Patrol officer snow leopard shifter, genuinely a good guy and sometimes a bit naive. Short tempered only because he's an extreme perfectionist, he can't leave anything well enough alone - has to see everything through to the end. Good for cases, not so great for anything else. Loves to cook, happily married, is the mom shaped friend you need in your life, probably. Will take care of anyone if they just say the word, but doesn't put up with much attitude. |
Seeking adoptive kids
You'd think he would just want to throw a hoodlum in the clink and be done, wash his hands of troubled souls, but in reality I really see him wanting to help people be better. Even if it's just being regular meals or someone to pick them up when they've had too much to drink, or something more serious like a mentor and ally while fighting off addictions or trauma... Lucas would gladly be there for those who need it. ////////////////////////////// |
Wendigo baby girl, soft spoken sweetheart. Wouldn't hurt a fly...except that's a damn lie. She still needs to eat. She just makes sure to pick someone who deserves it, or those who'd be heading that way soon otherwise. Bakes and caters, always there with something sweet to distract you. And maybe there's an edible or two hidden away in her tupperware. |
Seeking sippy cup
short answer: food. long answer: friend, or friend of friend, that provides her with her oddball diet; be it someone in the morgue or someone a little more killer. maybe they're her alibi and don't actively participate when she hunts. it's a pretty flexible position. no experience needed. carousel
round and round, this person keeps winding up in odd situations with our dear wendy. maybe they're platonic, maybe its between the sheets, maybe it's catching her with blood on her face. repeat offender of the crime of her company. pacify her
person from her past. preferably a supe, as she died a couple decades ago. or maybe they remember her under a different guise. who knows, the person could just recognize her smell alone. its hard to hide rot from someone who has any sort of amplified sense of smell. ////////////////////////////// |
Zoie's a rusalka, a water nymph of Slavic origins, and she's not inherently evil, but through a life of trauma, can come across as such. Mafia indentured escort and forever young, you'd expect her to be soured by the life she's grown accustomed to, but she's comfortable - accepted, actually - the life she has, and wouldn't trade it for anything now. She's finally as close to happy as she's been in ages. (She thinks) But that doesn't mean she couldn't be happier. |
Seeking hooligans
she runs a bit wild when off the clock, blends in with poor college kids and barflies, so she's just another street rat during the daylight hours. let's get into trouble. victims
her nature has her luring out murderers and abusers to watery graves, and she carries her own ideals of justice. misunderstandings are likely, if you're an asshole and not one she owes anything to. mafios
the family she works for is established on the east coast, and they've let her take a holiday to brush up on her skills while raids and shit go down. she's got protection, but they might not enjoy having to trail her around. so there won't be too many of these. perhaps there could be previous owners coming to collect that could come into play. desperation
there's likely to be someone who thinks she needs saving from her life, from the underbelly that's all she's ever known. maybe they want to give her a chance at redemption, a real job. white knights looking for their good deed of the day....or maybe, the complete opposite, and they want her for themselves; a collared killer with a soft temperament is rare. exotic pet collector of the oddest sort. maybe use her as proof that supernatural creatures can be good or bad. she's pretty pliable. ////////////////////////////// |
Annoying west coast baby skater trash goblin that can see ghosts, thinks he's just tripping or blames his insomnia. Great times. |
Seeking ////////////////////////////// |
Placeholder Time. |
Seeking ////////////////////////////// |
I can see Aaron getting himself into trouble with a demon! He isn't particularly talented at anything so it would be more of a desperation sort of thing. He's good at finding trouble, not so good at getting out of it!
My schedule is wacky too, but I will add you on discord.
My schedule is wacky too, but I will add you on discord.

slowly updating this but i am waaaay more available now so shouldn't be too hard to pin me down for play. :*
+ Liam
Side Note: if you want to plot with anyone either in the old seeking collapse or you know is mine, you're still very welcome to reach out, these are just ones I have most muse for.
Side Note: if you want to plot with anyone either in the old seeking collapse or you know is mine, you're still very welcome to reach out, these are just ones I have most muse for.
This one right here probably wouldn't mind meeting Liam.
Heck, her and Aagne may have known each other at some point growing up. I could also see her buying supplies and such from him.
Heck, her and Aagne may have known each other at some point growing up. I could also see her buying supplies and such from him.