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Forums » Community Discussion » Official OOC Forum Chat

This group has been archived by its founder. It may still be viewed, but can no longer be joined or posted to.

All of our regular rules apply. Please treat this like you would the OOC room and be respectful of each other!

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Heeey did I miss something...? Cant find the dream?
Eli wrote:
Heeey did I miss something...? Cant find the dream?
Hey Eli! We are no longer a furcadia based roleplay group. :) everything is done here on RPR now. You can also come find us on Discord these days.
||I just got here is the forum RP still active?
hello i am here now because discord sux rn
rip discord
Discord having a whole meltdown LOL
pours one out for discord
I'm so sorry for the spam on the discord....
I'm trying the update as well
Hi discord is broken and i have closed it.
It's okay, potate. Discord is having a Time.
its ok we all understand
I've left discord for another mans and his name is rpr - their status is showing major API errors

Moderators: Mina Auberon