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Hi, my name is Sonya or better known as Clove to some and I am currently open for roleplay. I like long romantic walks on the beach, eating ice cream out of a bucket and screaming at my videogames. I am really bad as an initiator in starting conversations with people, upholding contact all the time and I am very shy. Buuuut Apparently? I am known as a posting monster - I post long, detailed pieces and enjoy world building but hey I am a nice guy and I don't want to scare people soooooo I want to attempt at doing smaller, quicker things to move the pace and interaction of things for my characters along so they are not stagnant.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints and personal preference I tend to roleplay via other means than furcadia - PM, skype, discord and the like. However I am not against rping within furcadia; just know that I may not always be available to do so or in the mental space for it. And that I can be really slow tbh since I am usually multitasking but I am shor this aint a problem.
i promise i dont bite!
Forewarning; I have a lot of characters, some of which I would rather keep anon. If I decide to share with you an anon character please respect my privacy and not share it to every one and their mom. (even if errbudy knows lowkey)
Pocket full of sunbeams. Huxley is a creative individual who has endured the long journey that is called life through living in Hawaii and subsequently being abandoned by her mother in a park outside of Oahu to living over seas with her father who is a naval commander of an air craft carrier. Huxley or Daryl as her father named her is well versed in globalization due to this alone. It is because of their long stations in South Korea and Japan that the blond learned to love their cultures, their lore, and integrated her self within their schools and social systems as best as she could being a military brat. While in school she participated heavily in practicing Judo and surfing and outlets and hobbies. Yet it was during some time after high school and during her tutelage in college in Japan she met her tattooing master and fell in love with the craft. Attending his apprentice ship and Juku 'cram school' for graphic design and illustration at night with full devotion and expressed interest. Until the fateful day he decided that he could no longer teach her the ways of tebori, he began to teach her his brand of magic and the use of it within ink and sealing demons. Ultimately sealing the demons he held within his own body as a last act in to her own. Now she lives with monsters inside even if they are of the literal sense.
Huxley is a master in her craft; some one who people aspire to learn from when learning traditional Japanese tattoo work via coil gun or from the ancient methods of stick poking. I am open to her having clients who visit her multiples of times for large pieces to individuals who may want to apprentice beneath the blonde (accepted or even denied by her). Meeting other tattoo artists, surfing buddies, friendships, and even having some conflict. After all Huxley may be a genuine individual with a rather compelling sense of style and great abilities to make friends but she is rather blunt and not afraid to point things out. I am not particularly interested in romantic plots with Huxley however I am not opposed to her looking at the menu every once in a blue moon like an normal individual. I have HIGH muse for Huxley.
Intelligent, brave and felid in every sense of the term. Immigrating to the american wasteland from the steaming jungles beneath the equatorial belt. Ines is the very definition of a self-made woman; learning from her hard life within the South American jungles as a renegade fighter to studying every night while she worked hard and long hours in horrible conditions to become an enthusiast and educator for Large Felines with zoological societies. While living with a condition that is only known within spiritualism and yore as being a Nagual.
I am looking for a lot of things for Ines; Friendships, connections with other people, run ins with more latin american individuals (mostly not bar scenes sorry! they get so boring for me) and potential flings and the like. I would love to see her evolve more.
Mother. Lover. Local Rock nerd. Rosie, Rosie Devilin is a pint-sized dire werewolf hailing from the far northern shores of Ireland. Iconically captured with large red hair, large scars and a rather spirited nature; she is a great friend to all and a hater of those who hunt her kind.
I am not interested in romantic plots with Rosie seeing as she has a partner in romance already (See. Stelian) nor interested currently in her having more children. However what I am interested in is her teaching younger wolves how to be a wolf, how to hunt, friendships, enemies and family in terms of cousins/brothers/aunts/uncles and the like from the good ole green isle.
She is a frozen hell on two legs. A glacial, diplomatic woman who has lived for centuries and watched the rise and decay of empires at the feet of others. Often utilized for her mannerisms within political situations as being a neutral, unaging party within her own kind. Yet time has made the pale woman fickle about her company that she may take and lives rather reclusive now only to appear for few evens such as her German courses at the local university and meetings between the elders, other types of her kind and more. Becoming far more difficult to track and find.
Sonya is an incredibly old vampire who is well versed in the world, traveling and the ways of it. She is tired, wary and almost unsleeping - as she tends to shy away from constant interactions for favor or more meaningful connections. What I seek for Sonya is to regain her muse; to generate meaningful connections between herself and other people inclusive of her own fledglings which she may have fled from at some point in time. I am disinterested in cheap flings for her or constant drama (not saying drama is bad but the constant state of drama and adrenaline is exhausting and difficult to appeal to.)
Excitable, shrimpy omega of any type of pack. A colorful danish woman who has a love for video games, vinyl toys and all types of popular culture. She is brash, bullheaded and has an issue with her kleptomania -- but do not allow that to stop you from getting in to some trouble with her. However there is a strain of maturity within this one -- she does have a job! as a e-sports caster, and is incredibly enthusiastic about it. And is also a rather proud aunty of two rascally boys named Kevin and Will and has played a large part in their lives.
I am looking for friendships, excitement and other wolves to interact with Zhea. As well as people from her past who may have been her bullies in previous pack life.
Winola! - female - werewolf- nail artist
Kingsley - female - werewolf - er nurse.
Harper - female -aussie shepherd shifter - hair stylist.
Noah- female - animagus (LOVE BIRB) - archaeologist / professor at the uni.
Enise - female - crossroads devil - fire department chief.
Luna - female - demonic enity - socialite / damiens rich ass sister / professional villian.
Carmine - male - snow leopard shifter- singledad/ career marine.
Y'all gonn make me act up if you don't play with my favorite human being. 🔪🔪
-pushes up -
I am really interested in doin some private 1 on1sesp with Huxley.
I am really interested in doin some private 1 on1sesp with Huxley.