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i can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart
i can see through the scars inside you
i can see through the scars inside you

Rosie the Reaper
Professor of Biology & Animal Science at NVU, when Rosemary Waterhouse isn't spending every waking moment on campus, or zipping around town on a baby-blue Vespa, she keeps quietly to herself in the mysterious woods of Perdition Park. Little is known about her except her passion for humanitarianism and animal rights, her love for teaching and her field, and her absolute patience with even the most hopeless of NVU students.
Professor of Biology & Animal Science at NVU, when Rosemary Waterhouse isn't spending every waking moment on campus, or zipping around town on a baby-blue Vespa, she keeps quietly to herself in the mysterious woods of Perdition Park. Little is known about her except her passion for humanitarianism and animal rights, her love for teaching and her field, and her absolute patience with even the most hopeless of NVU students.
TA || The teaching assistant works efficiently with Dr. Waterhouse to accomplish minor tasks delegated to them by Dr. Waterhouse. This person will be trusted with all things relevant to NVU and Dr. Waterhouse's curriculae. Students || Student interactions - field trips, tutoring, general wisdom. Rosie loves her students, and the majority of them are quite fond of her, in return. She's always eager to lend a hand to a student struggling with her curriculum, adjusting to university life, or life in general. |
Romance || Though ineffably romantic, Rosie keeps a tight hold on her emotions and is a tough nut to crack. Whether it's someone new, or the return of someone from her past, it needs to feel natural, and we will be brainstorming! Terminally Ill, Recently Deceased || Quite a bit more complex than the previous wants - Rosemary is a reaper, and though she spends quite a bit of her time avoiding her duties as a faithful assistant to those crossing newly into the Afterlife (she just hates to be the one to see them go), from time to time, she must face her fear of guiding humans, even gently, into death. |
Beau is a linguistics grad student who also works as a TA during the school year. Potential professor interactions maybe? Not as her TA, but in general.