Our dream is primarily based on Marvel Comics - more specifically the X-Men franchise. We welcome players to RP a variety of different characters, from canon Marvel characters to their own creations! Mutants, Magic users, Humans, Super-Hero's, Villains... the list goes on!
Mutant Exodus is a longstanding continuity set in an alternate version of the standard Earth-616 seen across most of Marvel's super hero comics. Whilst much of the 616 canon serves as the dream's official history, certain events played out differently, and some of them never even happened at all. During the 'House of M' event, the timeline split, with the mainline Marvel universe heading down the path everyone has become familiar with through the comics, and our universe heading down a slightly different path.
Established over 10 years ago, Mutant Exodus has taken various forms. Initially it grew from various smaller dreams that cropped up over the summer periods many years ago. United X Academy, The Brotherhood, Mutant Academy and a whole host of others brought our players together and planted seeds that would one day sprout into what we have today.
Our first 'official' dream came in the form of 'Tyme's Institute for the Gifted', and it was here that many of the characters and story lines that form the foundation of our continuity came to be. This soon evolved from our usual 'Academy' based dreams into a full blown city dream named 'Darien City'. After a few good years at Darien, a decision was made to scale the dream back to once again focus on 'Academy' style RP in a dream based in Boulder, Colorado which has now once again blossomed into large scale, city based RP once again.
If you have any questions, or have something you wish to discuss with us, then feel free to contact one of our staff members in-game. Current staff members are;
- Remy LeBeau (Rah)
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Please be aware that in order to play within the dream you will need to fill out an APPLICATION. The application can be found on the forums for this group.
Whilst your application is under review, you are free to play in the dream on a trial basis. Fight based RP and plot participation are restricted to approved characters. Should your application be denied, your characters actions during the trial period will simply be ignored, though you are always welcome to review and re-apply!