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There is a part of humanity that draws us to darkness. We are fascinated by evil and the terror it brings; we are mesmerized by death and destruction; and however much we may hate it, we revel in pure wickedness.
So let us follow as you stalk your prey. Let us watch as you rend them, body and soul. Let us experience the pure agony that follows in your wake.
The task is simple: create an RP to show us just how evil your villain really is.
You could join with another villain to destroy the world just as heroes so often try to save it - and maybe show your dominance through treachery.
You could pursue another player's character, crushing their spirit or looking for the perfect way to turn them to mulch. (Permadeaths obviously discouraged for this event, unless you really want it and agree.)
Or, you could simply find someone willing to offer up a sacrificial lamb; a temporary character that exists only to suffer at your hands.
How you do your dirty deeds is entirely up to you. But, you are encouraged to take a look at what others are doing, and maybe learn some new tricks. And if you find yourself favoring a particular villain - or victim! - let us know who.
Kudos to those who allow themselves taken as victims.
So let us follow as you stalk your prey. Let us watch as you rend them, body and soul. Let us experience the pure agony that follows in your wake.
Chill us. Thrill us.
Show us your true nature in its rawest form.
Show us your true nature in its rawest form.
The task is simple: create an RP to show us just how evil your villain really is.
You could join with another villain to destroy the world just as heroes so often try to save it - and maybe show your dominance through treachery.
You could pursue another player's character, crushing their spirit or looking for the perfect way to turn them to mulch. (Permadeaths obviously discouraged for this event, unless you really want it and agree.)
Or, you could simply find someone willing to offer up a sacrificial lamb; a temporary character that exists only to suffer at your hands.
How you do your dirty deeds is entirely up to you. But, you are encouraged to take a look at what others are doing, and maybe learn some new tricks. And if you find yourself favoring a particular villain - or victim! - let us know who.
Kudos to those who allow themselves taken as victims.
Event Comments
- Absolutely.
It's open to anyone.
may I join?
Warwick - Pretty much. You don't even have to keep them alive if they're okay with their character dying. (The gore also has that though - only maim folks that are okay with having their character maimed. Most seem to be willing, just make sure.
So... I can be as gruesome and gory as I please? just as long as I keep them alive? lol
I've got a victim here if anyone cares for getting in on the action a bit late! Sabbath relates to the average horror film on mundane levels: a bit clueless, not especially strong (she's helpless without her instruments, to be honest), and too curious for her own good. I wouldn't mind exposing her to some grisly gore.
Remember, I can't reward victims unless I know about their games! Even if it's in PMs, just let me know it's going on.
this is going to be fuuuuun
I suppose I can offer my services as a victim if anyone is interested...
Hi! Victim here. Anything goes, really. I dun care. Just make sure it's fun! Haha...
There is an IC section, I just have it set to members only. S'pose I'll go ahead and change that, though.
Alright, so do we do it here? this is OOC isn't it? are you gnna have a seperate forum for everyone to post their nightmare games as threads?
Looks spicy...
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May 21st 2014