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Somewhere in the midst of the warehouses and railroads is a house- a halfway home, if you will- run by a werewolf named Marlene who provides a cup of coffee and a moment of rest to all manner of drifters in the darkness- freshly bitten vampires, lone werewolves bereft of a pack to call their own, and monsters of less than favourable description. The operation is neither public, nor is it widely known about, but for those aware Marlene has invented a simple code, and it's to those in the know that Marlene extends her hospitality. Basically things work on a Fight Club basis- the first rule of Marlene's halfway home is that unless you're of the monster persuasion, you do not talk about Marlene's halfway home.
Did You Know?
One year, the local high school in Bridgeport put on a production of Sweeny Todd, the musical. Two days later, three of the cast members disappeared. No bodies were ever found. -