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  • The Underdark is as vast as the earth is wide, as dangerous as untamed wilderness in pitch dark caves grow and as varied as multitude of rocks sleeping coldly below without the sun. Tunnels dug by magic, by slaves hands, by the spit of strange creatures legends and books no longer have names for riddle beneath travelers feet seemingly forever. Connecting and disconnecting those without knowledge of its ways and bringing together those who see just fine, thank you, in the dark.

    Those who make the tales and whispers that cause men and women to shiver in the sun.


    The Underdark may be filled with monsters and Godlings to break the mind, but there is so much more to it, too. Whole cities that rise up out of glittering blue and black stone, shops and taverns, lives are lived far from the bright of day and lives are lost in the cool fire of magics spent, wars fought, mundane chores wearing out old bones.

    It is a beautiful dark. A madness of lichen and mushroom, pools of eyeless poison fish or glowing caverns carrying the forever echoing voices of the long dead: savage and mysterious.

    Not all who wander are lost--but some may be in the midst of losing it.

    Welcome to the endless night.
  • More than just the worms lurk beneath your feet.
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