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  • What is Hetalia?

    Hetalia is an anime and manga series by Hidekazu Himaruya.

    The series is about personifications of countries starting in the World War II setting. Every country is created by different stereotypes of each country (Germany has blonde hair and blue eyes, Scotland has red hair, etc.). Their personalities and abilities all determine on the countries' actions in history (England, Norway, and Romania have magic, Canada has the ability to go invisible, Russia has a dark aura able to go cute and innocent to evil and cruel really fast, etc.)

    The fandom itself can be located on a number of sites such as Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, 4Chan, and more.

    The roleplays can be a number of things. You can roleplay from highschool to yaoi to AUs! (if the roleplay has Yaoi please place a warning of that in the title.)

    You do not have to have country characters or be in the Hetalia fandom in order to join this group. If you are curious and want to find out about Hetalia and just want to watch go ahead. If you have other characters other than the cannon ones we will still accept you. We accept anyone (But if our rules are not followed and you are caught being mean to someone you will be removed)

    Enjoy this group! Roleplay away!
  • Why I love Hetalia...

    It is hard to say why I love Hetalia so much... It could be the colorful cast of characters that you can't help but fall in love with, from Scandinavia, from Eastern Asia, and even those rarely seen Mediterranean nations.
    Or maybe it is how it changes the very way that you look at the world around you. You get excited when you see a group of flags flying together.
    Or maybe you noticed how easily that Canadian friend of yours gets lost in the crowd. It could even be the amazing community of cosplayers out there and just how much fun they are to hang around with.
    But what I think I love most is how much I have actually learned from this series. Where else do you learn that there is an old sea fort off the coast of the United Kingdom known as Sealand trying to make off as its own country? And if that is not enough....You learn about how much more micro nations there are out there... And how much did people know about Prussia and the Holy Roman Empire before Hetalia came along?
    At the end of the day, Hetalia is a series about history and culture and making it fun to learn about. And that is why I love Hetalia and you should too.

    -Made by RyuuNoGin on YouTube.
  • Group Announcements

    The group made

    Posted By That-One-Hetalian on Jul 8th 2014

    This group is now made and up and running! Hope to see some good roleplays!
  • Upcoming Events

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