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Forums » Introductions » New here!


Hello guys! I'm new here, as you know, and am looking to have fun roleplaying!

My skill level is nowhere near advanced, but I'm past the phase of bad grammar everywhere and one liners in every reply, so I'm not bad either. I'm still learning though. My favorite type of RP is medieval fantasy, and romance. I may do modern but I have to really really feel like it. I generally keep things pg-13, nothing too graphic, and I am a minor so if the rp is one on one, I'm not so comfortable with people over 18. I do enjoy me some character development and slow burn romance, or adventure. I like oc interaction the most, it's fun.

I only have one oc so far, and some art for her will be coming soon

[Edit: I posted two of these on accident. I am so sorry fbgeuieuhw I can't delete so XD]
Welcome copperbrownies! :)

There are a ton of fans of medieval fantasy here, so no doubt you'll be able to find some stories to get involved with! If you haven't yet, check out the Looking for RP forum to find some partners or groups!

The 'Find RP' link (in the main site menu) is helpful too. That allows you to apply some search criteria to open RPs.

Good luck and happy RPing!

(On the duplicate post, you can always click the 'Request Mod' link and ask to have it deleted. They don't seem to mind! XD)
copperbrownies Topic Starter

Juls wrote:
Welcome copperbrownies! :)

There are a ton of fans of medieval fantasy here, so no doubt you'll be able to find some stories to get involved with! If you haven't yet, check out the Looking for RP forum to find some partners or groups!

The 'Find RP' link (in the main site menu) is helpful too. That allows you to apply some search criteria to open RPs.

Good luck and happy RPing!

(On the duplicate post, you can always click the 'Request Mod' link and ask to have it deleted. They don't seem to mind! XD)

Thank you! And will do. I've taken a look around and yeah you're right there are in fact tons of medieval rps, which is great!

Hello and welcome to RPRepository.
Hello and welcome to the site! I hope you make a lot of friends and have a lot of great RPs here! :D
Welcome to RPR! :D

I suggest going to Find RP or the Looking for RP forum to get started with roleplays. Enjoy your time on this amazing site :D :D! (P.S. I also love medieval fantasy and a bit of romance)

:star: Welcome to RPR :star:
Welcome to RPR!!
hey there ^^ welcome to rpr hope you have a great time
hello and WELCOME TO RPR!!!!<3<3<3<3
copperbrownies Topic Starter

Thank you all for the warm welcomes!!! (≧∀≦)ゞ
Hi there!! Welcome to RPR! I hope you have fun here!! Be sure to check out the roleplay forums once you're ready!!

Hello Copperbrownies!!!!! and welcome to the amazing site know as RPR!!!!

Welcome copperbrownies! :)
Hope you are finding RPR fun!
Hey, welcome to RPR! Hope you'll have fun here. If you wanna chat or ask questions or play a game/design something, I get on pretty regularly and I love to chat, so feel free to hit me up any time. :) There are forum games for both in-character and out-of-character here, as well as lots of guides, so I don't think you'll get lost super easily. :P But if you happen to, we, the community, have got your back! :P
Have a good time! :D :D :D :D

*Cue A French Guy Kicking Down The Door, Following With Jazz Hands*

Bonsoir, Mon Ami! :D Welcome To RPR! If You Have Any Questions, Or RP Ideas, Don't Be Afraid To Ask/Tell! Happy Writings! <3

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