Setting and Community Rules
Social Guidelines (OOC)
- BE CONSIDERATE, BE RESPECTFUL, BE KIND. We’re here to enjoy a creative pastime with friends, please behave accordingly and show consideration to your fellow players as much as possible. We all slip up sometimes, but it's important to communicate with one other as clearly as we can. If you have any issues, please come to a member of the council with them! There is no tolerance for bigotry or harassment of any kind. This includes bullying. If you feel someone is continually harassing you in order to get a response, please contact a member of staff. We also ask you do your best to refrain from the urge to seethe or gossip about other roleplayers or roleplay situations, even if they're in the past and/or other settings. In general refrain from sharing harsh criticism on contentious issues that could harm those around you, such as religious beliefs, the pricing or styles of artists, or dunking on personal interests.
- All discussions involving religion, the paranormal, conspiracy theories, or politics belong in #sensitive-topics (as well as anything else that might make someone else uncomfortable). In addition, we request you make individual threads there for any discussions related to personal experiences with religion, spirituality, or the supernatural in general. If you're requested to move a discussion to sensitive topics or make a thread, even from someone who isn't staff, please do so. It really matters to us that you stay mindful of your fellow players.
- While this is a setting for adults, it is not an adult setting. There should be no sharing of anything NSFW outside of the #nsfw-topics channel. Additionally, please keep in mind that fetishes and adult play can be a sensitive topic for some! We have a NSFW channel for a reason and encourage its use - and if you have any doubts about IC content being appropriate for public viewing, the scene may be best taken to DM.
- Keep IC and OOC Separate. When you put so much hard work into a character, it's often possible for IC and OOC to start blending. We ask that you try to keep them separate. No harassment of players for their IC actions, or OOC dialogue/opinions in post format, please!
- Artists and Solicitation. Repeated solicitation is not permitted in our dream, on our forums or Discord server. Artists may post a single advertisement thread on our forums and update that. On Discord, artists may not approach specific members with solicitation attempts and all advertisements must remain on the #advertisement channel. No server-wide tagging on the #advertisement channel please!
- Intellectual Property. We would also like to strongly discourage you from 'borrowing' the work of others without explicit permission from the creator or artist, including if not especially the use of preexisting art. This is considered a form of theft and frowned upon. A use of photography without permission is included in this: please do not use images from Google or Pinterest for locations, items, or otherwise in any formal listings (on our forums or in the Discord). We allow sharing of clearly indicated 'for reference' images alongside posts, but anything that makes true 'use' of an image that doesn't belong to you is not allowed. While we understand this may feel very restrictive, it's simply the right thing to do in consideration of others.
- AI Generated Content. We recognize that this is a complex and ethically contentious emergence of technology. While we do not outright disallow for players sharing the results of using these generators, we do ask that any and all AI generated content be placed within personal Discord threads only. They are not allowed on the forums, in general channels, alongside posts, or anywhere else save individual personal threads nested within a channel.
- BE CONSIDERATE, BE RESPECTFUL, BE KIND. We’re here to enjoy a creative pastime with friends, please behave accordingly and show consideration to your fellow players as much as possible. We all slip up sometimes, but it's important to communicate with one other as clearly as we can. If you have any issues, please come to a member of the council with them! There is no tolerance for bigotry or harassment of any kind. This includes bullying. If you feel someone is continually harassing you in order to get a response, please contact a member of staff. We also ask you do your best to refrain from the urge to seethe or gossip about other roleplayers or roleplay situations, even if they're in the past and/or other settings. In general refrain from sharing harsh criticism on contentious issues that could harm those around you, such as religious beliefs, the pricing or styles of artists, or dunking on personal interests.
IC Conduct
Roleplay Guidelines (IC)
Strict Continuity.
No character sheets required!
No dice required (outside of official events) - players are free to agree to use whatever system suits them.
This is probably our most contentious rule, so we're going to get it out of the way first! Thornmouth is a Strict RP setting and players are expected to do their best to adhere to the lore. While we don't expect you to be experts or necessarily even read through everything, we do expect you to look for the answers you need when questions arise and more importantly, be careful about your assumptions. This world operates under specific rules, the maps are missing a lot that is known behind the scenes, certain races have purposefully designed to subvert expectations, and a lot of lore in general is still in development. If you need help or have any questions our DM team is always standing by!
It is also important to note that as a strict roleplay setting, we also cater primarily to seasoned adults - our average player is well over thirty years of age and consists of individuals who have been writing for twenty or more of those. We certainly welcome younger players, but there is an unspoken expectation of experience coming to the table. We do not wish to frighten off those looking for a community, but do consider your own comfort levels in a community of older adults if you are 21 or younger.
- Respect the Setting. We know that the expectations of a strict continuity can be a lot, but we seek to maintain a sense of coherency and consistency in our setting. In pursuit of that goal, we ask you try to avoid imposing any notable changes or large scale consequences to the setting without permission first. This includes adding new locations or any other form of lore, playing public figures (celebrities, officials, famous outlaws), and running public events. We'd love for you to add to the setting, but we've got to make sure it fits in with the lore! While characters are welcome to influence their environment, anything that would be lasting or significant is best run by a GM first too.
- Use Your Resources. If you need a guard or other notable NPC to respond to a scene, please contact staff to see if someone is around to GM for you first. That being said, many of the background figures in Thornmouth are free for you to use in a scene! We just ask that you follow the NPC Guidelines.
- Act within the TOS of both Furcadia and RPR: no themes of r***, pedophilia, or age play will be tolerated.
- Keep it Private. Any sexually explicit content must be taken to private spaces where both players and characters are eighteen years of age or older. This means private messages - no use of threads for this content, please!
- Get RP Consent. It’s a good idea to ask for permission to introduce any scenario that would substantially affect a character in some way. While everyone has their personal preferences in regard to consent, make sure you’re on the same page with your RP partners on whether or not they're ok with the things you're suggesting: e.g. a skip in time, the chance of a moderate or severe wound, potential death, etc. It should go without saying that 'godmoding' and abusive metagaming are considered disruptive and against the rules.
- Don’t be afraid to communicate! There are always going to be times when a player runs into a situation they’re not sure how to handle and would rather negotiate an alternative outcome for. We all have our own respective roleplay styles, interests, and plans, which may not always line up with what someone else wants. That’s okay! A little communication goes a long way. It’s always okay to reach out and ask if a scene can be adjusted to better suit player needs - other players or your GM!
- Remember that IC Actions = IC Consequences. While we do not want to ever see players punished for having fun, please understand that maintaining consistency and fairness is important too! While consequences between characters can be discussed between the players as it suits all parties, any consequences between characters and setting are a little less accommodating. If you want to play a character that actively defies the laws of the kingdom, be prepared to have them face realistic consequences if caught. These consequences range from fines and jail time to serious injury or prison sentences that could restrict a character from roleplay indefinitely. In response to the most egregious of crimes there could be in-character banishment or even a sentence of execution. While creative narrative solutions to out-of-character logistical problems are always encouraged (e.g. a villain staging a grand escape), attempting to avoid or ignore realistic consequences entirely is not (e.g. said escaped villain acting as though they're not a wanted criminal).
- Exercise Caution With Themes. While our playerbase is focused towards adults, please keep in mind the setting is a living city with real laws and etiquette governing it. It is OOCly perfectly acceptable to pursue NSFW themes and criminal activity behind closed doors, but doing so in public can and will have real IC consequences for your character. Your character breaking laws, being rumored to break laws, or conducting themselves lewdly in public will attract guard's attentions; any knowable acts of public indecency, exhibitionism, or criminal pastimes will see your character at the very least ostracized and likely condemned. In hard to ignore cases the law will come after these individuals.
- Be Mindful With Child Characters. While underage characters are more than welcome in the setting, we ask that you keep them out of any sexually suggestive, overtly violent, or other inappropriate scenarios. It's all right if traumatic elements are a part of their background.
Hey, isn't this a Furcadia based setting? Where is everyone...?
They're all on the Discord! A lot of love was put into the dream, but given a number of factors it's become sort of an art piece for aesthetic purposes - few of us can play live, we're scattered across a wide variety of time zones, most of us write in a manner that befits use of paragraph structure, and it's very hard to moderate when you can't keep an eye on what people are doing. This is vital for a strict continuity! While great for vibe the map is also basically the city condensed to a meager fraction of its true size and scope. We do not discourage play in the dream or forums, but connecting with the community and council on Discord is almost a must!
• WORLD ➤ Anexus •
• CONTINENT ➤ Hy-Brazir •
• MAGIC MOON ➤ Aetheros •
• MUNDANE MOON ➤ Custodi •
• KINGDOM ➤ The Kingdom of Thornmouth •
• CAPITAL ➤ Thornmouth •
• ARRIVAL ➤ Moon Gates •
• POPULATION ➤ 2.6 million •
• SIZE ➤ 40,000 square miles •
• CLIMATE ➤ Mediterranean •
• SETTLEMENTS ➤ two cities (one major, one minor), twenty odd towns, numerous villages and isolated dwellings •
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Furcadia Dream
We upload just down the road from Arrow Hall in Furcadia's Imaginarium.
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deviantART Hub
AJ_89 || vaidya
dreamweaver, council
BLACKBERRYFAE || strawberry|chocolate, legacy
lore aide
DEGU || cassius|shrike, gibbit, jaspur, harpur
founder, dreamweaver, council
HIKARISHADE || hikari, melena
lore aide
RIGBY || arron, evren, galvanist, marc|d'aiolfi, syc0rax
co-rah, loremaster, council
ROOK || carthach, cienna, laerdya, neeva, tarquinne
co-rah, council
TAR || coltara, maxie, wisecinder, the|archivist
co-rah, loremaster, council
ZOOOPHAGOUS || ansul, benji, elias, jules, oolong
PATCH ARTISTS || degu, yamashta, avelithe
LORE || degu, rigby, rook, tar, yamashta
RPR || degu, rigby, tar
EPIC RPR || rigby, stock backdrop by marsea @ adobe
DONORS || belsthame
OTHER PATCHES || alluvial, ash kerins, trishields, greekceltic, cgtrader, opengameart