City Defenses
Strength: a standing army of roughly 500 soldiers, includes able-bodied individuals of all races
Soldiers: volunteer
Main Use: peacekeeping
Rank: earned through aptitude tests and performance
Thornmouth’s standing military is a well-disciplined force that watches over the city at all given hours of the day. It is comprised of three major divisions: The City Guard, The Faewatch, and The Royal Guard. While all three answer to the chief, they otherwise operate independently of one another with distinct responsibilities and their own captains. An agent of Faewatch is rarely found in the city unless off duty, the majority of their time spent patrolling the woods and watching the western borders of the kingdom. The Royal Guard on the other hand almost never leave the castle grounds, except to accompany nobility or officials while in public. The majority of the military is made up of The City Guard, the main police force patrolling the streets and manning the watchtowers.
An individual does not have to be a citizen in order to join the guard, they can volunteer to expedite the process (normally gained through a residency period of one year, buying property, marriage to an already established resident, or certain guild memberships).
Affirmative Action
The king's 'diversity programmes' have angered many who are used to the old ways. The guard for the longest consisted mostly of orcs and humans or other ‘mundane’ but generally accepted races. In recent years, that has started to change: the chief and his captains have been forced to consider candidates outside of their usual scope. The addition of magic users and supernatural races is still rather new; they're treated badly by many colleagues and have to work harder to prove themselves in the slightest, often finding themselves shunned by the group. Sadly, by extension this means supernatural beings and their sympathizers often get rougher treatment on the streets and when committing crimes, sometimes harsher sentences from judges too. The King does what he can to combat it, but to a degree it is beyond his control unless he wishes to anger many more. He has expressed valid reasons for the guard to become more diverse, feeling that it is weakest against magic if it does not employ those who use it and that a lot could be learned from magic users in regards to tactics.
The City Guard
Captains: Donovan Harken, Harpur Eberhardt, Bazil Rayhan
Captains: Donovan Harken, Harpur Eberhardt, Bazil Rayhan

( Private and Captain Uniforms )
The majority of the military is made up of the City Guard, the main police force patrolling the streets and manning the watchtowers. While the other two forces are small enough to include many types of specializations under one banner, the City Guard is in actuality comprised of many smaller divisions: swordsman (‘swords’), archers and trebuchet operators (‘wallwatch’), spearmen (‘spears’), night watchmen (‘nightwatch’), flyers (‘skywatch’), and mariners (‘seawatch’). While the sizeable city guard doubles as the standing army, if war were to come to Thornmouth their numbers would likely be bolstered by hired mercenaries and citizen conscription.
A guard unit is typically assigned a specific task for their shift and these are not always simple patrols in city districts: guards also man the towers and walls, are stationed at the gates, and even give directions, directing traffic or offering other assistance during busy market hours. A unit may even find themselves stationed at Oberon's Crossing from time to time, sent to assist Faewatch in manning the Thormouth side of the border (for days at a time in rotating shifts).
The majority of guards that citizens will encounter around the city during the day are members of the ‘swords’ and ‘spears’ divisions (sometimes collectively called the 'Daywatch'). This divide exists to make life easier on the captains assigned to each, guardsmen not limited to one weapon and plenty trained in more than one class. It is a rather narrow distinction that would only become more relevant in times of true mobilization. The Nightwatch division is much the same, save for the time of day that is being worked and the number of active units.
The shift of a night watchmen is one most do not relish. While important it can be a dull experience and one that primarily deals with either suspicious or supernatural members of the community: as a result it is a task often assigned to newer guards. A night watchman is expected to not only keep the peace as in the daylight hours, but bring in drunks, make sure doors are locked, that fires are safely burning, and in particular keep an eye out for unsavory figures looking to take advantage of the darkness. It can be dangerous given the criminal element out at such hours, but more commonly night guards spend their evenings bringing in local alcoholics and making idle chitchat with the more nocturnal citizenry.
While most other divisions include members of both day and night shifts, there is a small exception here - the Nightwatch division includes a small number of 'night flyers' with rare nocturnal mounts.
Those in the Wallwatch division aren’t always as visible, stationed day and night across the walls and towers of the city (including castle battlements) - but also include the gate guards at every entrance, as an extension of tower forces.
Seawatch is assigned to the docks and surrounding district, keeping an eye on ship crews and maintaining the city's own fleet of armored vessels. They are mariners and trained in the ways of the sea, but tend to spend a lot of time giving out directions to visitors. They also include both day and night shifts.
Skywatch is perhaps the smallest and most specialized city guard force, making up those with the skill to ride flying mounts - they patrol across the entire city from above during the day, as well as being notably stationed at guard posts to the north, such as Dracowatch. They have their own tower in the city that acts as a specialized stable for creatures such as gryphon and pegasi. While nonsentient dragons exist in the realm and can be owned by citizenry, they are outlawed for use by military forces as to not provoke the neighbors.
Those who are part of the guard are offered accommodations in the form of unit houses, with rank separated by floor - with the exception of the captains, who are given their own quarters and adjoined offices within watchtowers.
Captains: Alessandro di Aiolfi
An agent of Faewatch is rarely found in the city unless off duty, the majority of their time spent patrolling the woods and watching the western borders of the kingdom. They have their own barracks stationed right outside of the forest district and duties distinct from normal guards: members of faewatch are trained in matters of fae, guard the eastern borders (including being stationed at Oberon's Crossing), and rescue gate travelers found in the wilderness (especially those who come through the Bridge of Morel). Those stationed at the border crossing spend much of their time doing little save checking the papers of merchants and other travelers passing through.Captains: Alessandro di Aiolfi
Captains: TBA
The Royal Guard almost never leave the castle grounds, except to accompany nobility or officials while in public. This division is meant to be composed of only the most elite soldiers, neither too young nor too old, trained to the peak of their abilities and loyal to the crown. They are not to be taken lightly. They live very busy lives between castle and barracks, with little time for themselves or their families.Captains: TBA
a hopeful in training, may temporarily increase unit sizes above 15 when they shadow privates at work - are not allowed to take direct action like making arrests unless they have absolutely no other choice
the first rank of guard that comes in units of 15 under a single lieutenant - it is the most common rank and these soldiers make up the main police force on the streets doing patrols and keeping an eye on their designated areas
responsible for training and presentation of the guard, oversees new rookies in training, conducts barrack inspections, etc.
a lieutenant commands a unit of 15 guards, but also answers to their captain - they work alongside their fellow lieutenants and privates may be moved between units by their jurisdiction
oversees 4 units of 15 guards, each unit headed by 1 lieutenant - tend to oversee a particular area of the city
Chief Arturo de Ovando
head of the entire military, who oversees the guard and Faewatch divisions, consulting directly with the king and providing him briefings - works between the various barracks and sometimes the castle
In order to be considered for promotion to a higher rank, one has to have had served for an extended period of time - at least one year before they can put in an application for consideration, with exceptions made for exceptional service. As most guards will never be more than a private in ranking, many commendations come in the form of raises, reassignments to 'higher' or more desirable specialized squads, and secondary titles with benefits (such as armorymaster, a solitary title that can only be held by a sergeant).
Expected Conduct
- a soldier of Thornmouth is sworn to the crown as a protector of the city and enlistment is a commitment to the kingdom
- once one has joined, they are contractually obligated to see their term of service through or be faced with penalties of desertion (essentially court-martialed)
- any soldier should be prepared to find themselves sent elsewhere in the kingdom: there are not a particularly large number of military personnel outside of the capital, but most towns have a lieutenant and at least one accompanying guard stationed there
- a term of service starts at one year - promotion to a higher rank often comes with longer contracts of obligation
- there are exceptions made for honorable discharges due to exceptional service, lasting injury, etc.
- soldiers (except for those in training) are not required to stay in the barracks, but should they desire they are provided room and board as part of their service benefits
- rookies are to train at the barracks when not shadowing a superior (when on duty)
- privates are typically assigned a partner for most patrols, but not necessarily - some districts see less crime than others and are therefore more likely to have single-man units
- every guard is standard issued a blowing horn to call for help or sound the alarm, a traffic whistle, a bludgeon, a lantern, a small buckler, a dagger, and a sword - they are expected to keep this gear well-maintained, but are free to replace the weaponry with whatever they're most comfortable with (from the city armory or otherwise)
- criminal activity conducted by a guard will be penalized far more severely than that of a regular citizen
City Laws and Regulations
The punishment for a crime is dictated by both the severity of an act and whatever existing criminal record might exist for an individual. While the sentences for petty crimes are usually handed out by Lieutenants and Captains the same day someone is arrested, more serious crimes face judgement in court. There is a notable difference between the way crimes committed against general citizenry versus nobility or officials are treated (the latter facing much steeper penalties).
While capital punishment is much rarer in Thornmouth than in many other places, it does still exist. The city prefers to aim for less severe corporal punishments where able, but some crimes still demand extreme measures. There are private executions still performed on those who have committed unforgivable crimes or repeated aggressive offenses; public spectacle is reserved for those who murder, violate, and/or terrorize the public at large. This includes those who engage in treason or seek to destroy the peace between the fae and the mundane, by request of the fae king during peace negotiations.
Crimes Include:
assault, murder, burglary, tomb robbing, fencing, blackmail, intimidation, mental manipulation, damages to property or livestock, arson, disturbing the peace, robbery, slavery, vandalism, treason, impersonation (of an official or royalty), vandalism, littering, hampering justice
Punishments Include:
stocks, flogging, fines, damages, imprisonment, hard labor, exile, or even death
- an immigrant is considered a citizen under the law, but not a naturalized one until a year has passed in residency or property is bought
- a full citizenship can be fast-tracked by marriage to an already established resident, serving in the guard for three months, or certain guild memberships
General Laws
- no assault (includes mind manipulation), murder, intimidation, etc.
- no public intoxication (you will be put in the drunk tank and fined - possibly put in the stocks if you made a scene)
- no public indecency (considered a form of 'disturbing the peace' - this is one of the more contentious laws among the fae populace)
- any persons casting a spell, regardless of their intent, are accountable for any and all outcomes of said action
- no dark magic (specifically defined as invasive, destructive, or otherwise malicious forms and/or uses of magic)
- no influencing another by magic without their consent
- no burglary, theft, or fencing (punishments include imprisonment, flogging, damages, fines)
- no littering (small fine)
- no disturbing the peace (small fines, stocks)
- no hampering justice (messing with the guard can net stockade time, fines, and even hard labor)
- no dodging court fines (imprisonment)
- no evading the law: committing a crime and running from the consequences is another charge, but in the cases of severe lawbreaking (murder, slave trafficking, serial grand theft) one can end up labeled an 'outlaw' and subject to being brought in by both authorities and bounty hunters - dead or alive
- no practicing slavery: the possession of others as property is outlawed across the entirety of the Kingdom of Thornmouth, save for those in criminal debt to the crown - it exists in territories of both the east and the west, but in the isthmus has been abolished as an institution that could do nothing save raise tensions and threaten the peace
Read More- any enslaved individual who finds themselves here will be considered free and protected as a welcomed guest under the the crown
- if a slaver can demonstratively prove they were ignorant to the ways of the kingdom (by way of being a world traveler or otherwise) they're likely to be 'let off' with a warning, but that warning includes their slave being taken into protective custody and signing paperwork - slavers are made to sign a release form that prevents them from feigning ignorance if caught practicing again
- while actively encouraging slaves to escape to Thornmouth would make diplomatic relations with certain trading partners in the east more difficult, the Kingdom still takes a firm abolitionist stance to maintain open borders and peace with all nations and travelers
- the majority of slaves who get actual help from the law are those rescued from slavers actually found in the kingdom - an escaped slave from another nation will find less help as the kingdom cannot afford to get involved in foreign affairs, but they will still have the ability to report their situation to law enforcement and find themselves with sanctuary: including momentary assigned protection, at least a week in an inn paid by the city, and bounties put out for any slavers or slave hunters they might describe
- slavers 'caught in the act' with no excuse will be penalized with flogging and fines as standard, with the chance of imprisonment up to 10 years depending on circumstances (penalties based on extremity of crime with consideration to things like trafficking, multiple counts of kidnapping, etc.)
- those with steep criminal debts may have the choice of indentured servitude to the crown - this is offered only to nonviolent offenders and depending on the contract they've agreed to, these individuals may be found working in the barracks, the docks, the stables, etc.
- indentured servants in Thornmouth are considered a free people outside of the need to work assigned jobs and their wages being harshly garnished by the government - their contracts cannot be bought, sold, or held by a citizen
- in very rare cases some offenders may be sentenced to work the mines at Crystal Town, but such penal labor is typically reserved for only the most egregious of crimes and damages
- there are customs at border crossings to make sure you’re not bringing in dangerous magical items
- gate guards make record of everyone who passes through the city gates
- fliers - especially friendly dragons - need to land within designated landing zones right outside the city and ‘check in’ (otherwise you may be subject to being shot out of the sky)
- Thornmouth recognizes all marriages without officiation and allows them to be registered for a mere fee - including same-sex marriages
- prostitution and brothels are legal, but treatment of sex workers is taken pretty seriously and establishments require a license
- no selling imported goods without a license
- selling any kind of consumable requires a license (including blood, which has inspectors who regularly verify sources like all food and drink)
- an establishments has the right to not allow magic at all on their property (as well as put up warding objects, such as iron horseshoes)
- no magic in front of royalty (except by those given special permissions)
- ‘monster hunting’ is banned in regards to sentient races, with exceptions made only for cases of self-defense and those criminal enough to be labeled an 'outlaw'
The City Guard
Chief of Defense
Chief Arturo de Ovando (NPC, handled by TM Council)
Deputy Chief
(NPC Pending)
Donovan Harken
Harpur Eberhardt (Daywatch - Swords)
Bazil Rayhan
Alessandro di Aiolfi (Faewatch)
NPCs Pending
Seiveril (Field Medic)
Jack Walsh (Nightwatch)
NPCs Pending
Chief of Defense
Chief Arturo de Ovando (NPC, handled by TM Council)
Deputy Chief
(NPC Pending)
Donovan Harken
Harpur Eberhardt (Daywatch - Swords)
Bazil Rayhan
Alessandro di Aiolfi (Faewatch)
NPCs Pending
Seiveril (Field Medic)
Jack Walsh (Nightwatch)
NPCs Pending