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Operation Terra Incognita: Project Goals

Operation Terra Incognita - bringing maps and avatar support to the RP Repository
Progress to Goal 4: $16,044 of $20000

Goal 1: $5,000

Getting started: Help me carve out some thinking space to get past blockers. I'll spend the time making crucial choices for project decision points that have been keeping me from continuing.

Goal 2: $10,000

Solid foundation: Gain me about 3 months of focus time on maps & avatars. This will accelerate the project nicely.

Goal 3: $15,000

Pulling ahead: Adding some breathing room to that 3 months to get more done.

New backer rewards added.

Goal 4: $20,000

In it to win it: Let me focus primarily on maps & avatars for the rest of the year!

New backer rewards added.

Project Elements

In a nutshell, this project is to support the creation of a map editor, avatar creator, and multiplayer interactions on your custom maps in concert with live chat.

To make that happen, there's actually quite a few different tools that need to be created. Here's a brief overview of what I know about so far:

Style Guide for Artists

A handbook for how official assets will be created, so that we can start making an official library, and artists who want to create their own custom pieces can get started.

Map Editor

Allows users to create their own environments.

Avatar Designer

Allows users to create representative avatars for each of their characters.

Map Usage UX

Once you have a map, you'll need to be able to connect it to a forum topic or inbox conversation, so that it can be used by everyone in the RP in concert with the chat.

Custom Avatar Asset Creator

A tool for artists to set up their artwork so that it will work correctly on various avatar bases. Hopefully will also handle a lot of recolors for you.

Custom Map Asset Creator

For creating new tiles, objects, and FX.

Asset Marketplace

For artists to share and/or sell their custom assets.

A Starting Place for Avatars and Maps

Posted by Kim on July 6, 2023, 12:00 pm

As we gear up for the lemonade stand, I'm going to be publishing a series of posts explaining my thoughts so far on avatars and maps. I know the biggest question people have is, "What might it look like?" so let's start by talking about that.

See article »

What I Know About Maps So Far

Posted by Kim on July 8, 2023, 9:00 am

Imagine that you have a map detailing some area relevant to your favorite RP. You head over to the forum topic where this RP is taking place, and attach the map to that topic. It could be a forum topic in a group -- or maybe it's even an inbox conversation.

See article »

What I Know About Avatars So Far

Posted by Kim on July 10, 2023, 9:00 am

To walk around on a map, you'll first need an avatar. What do we know about avatars so far?

See article »

Why a fundraiser?

A drawing of Kim pouring lemonade from a pitcher into a cup. She smiles at the viewer as if inviting them to come get it.

Here's the deal: This project is extremely complex. It has multiple elements and hundreds of decision points that cascade into implications for how other things will work, potentially years down the line, foreseen and unforeseen. It is challenging and taxing to work on, and requires space to focus. Finding uninterrupted time to do that deep focus has been extremely difficult, because, well... the RPR is a passion project. I have to take on other jobs to keep that all-important roof over my head.

From the way that many bug reports and queries are addressed, I know that plenty of folks assume there's a team of programmers and a staff working behind the scenes to make this place. But in reality, the RPR was built by just one person - me. It is maintained by just one person - me. I absolutely love doing it, but I also do most of that building and maintaining before or after the work that mainly funds my life.

The lemonade stand is to raise the money for me to take time away from any client projects and devote more of my working hours to just the RPR, and to slam out as much sweet sweet maps content as I can before the year is out.

I know that we're all living through a cost of living crunch right now, and that not everyone will be able to pitch in. That is totally understandable! But if you do have some money to spend on leisure, please consider picking up some of the delightful collector's items that we're going to have on offer! I don't want to ask too much of the userbase, who are already super awesome. But I hear so often that this is something people REALLY want and are willing to support, and I hope that that is not just a true feeling but a practical possibility as well for enough folks. :)