Monster combat followed standard rules in 2023, with monsters spawning in front of the Prisms each hour or when a symbol was successfully completed. No guesses could be attempted on any symbol until all monsters had been cleared out of the way.

Damage Type: Piercing
Max uses: 40
Attack bonus: 3
Damage bonus: 4
Damage dice: 1d8
Crit Multiplier: 2
Crit threshold: 18

Damage Type: Slashing
Max uses: 50
Attack bonus: 5
Damage bonus: 3
Damage dice: 2d8
Crit Multiplier: 3
Crit threshold: 20

Damage Type: Slashing
Max uses: 20
Attack bonus: 5
Damage bonus: 4
Damage dice: 3d8
Crit Multiplier: 3
Crit threshold: 19

Damage Type: All
Max uses: 1
Attack bonus: 10
Damage bonus: 5
Damage dice: 6d8
Crit Multiplier: 3
Crit threshold: 20
Some additional weapons such as a one-shot cannon could be found by foraging walruses in the Walrus Captaining Game, but this was much rarer and not a main source of weaponry.
Available Weapons
The following main weapons were available via the Doubutt game or by gazing at Forohfor fortress:
Noble Rapier
A beautiful and light weapon, for when you want to strike fast, stay quick on your feet, and look stylish.Damage Type: Piercing
Max uses: 40
Attack bonus: 3
Damage bonus: 4
Damage dice: 1d8
Crit Multiplier: 2
Crit threshold: 18

Wicked Battle Axe
Holding this axe makes you feel... powerful.Damage Type: Slashing
Max uses: 50
Attack bonus: 5
Damage bonus: 3
Damage dice: 2d8
Crit Multiplier: 3
Crit threshold: 20

Ray Gun
A sleek, futuristic energy weapon.Damage Type: Slashing
Max uses: 20
Attack bonus: 5
Damage bonus: 4
Damage dice: 3d8
Crit Multiplier: 3
Crit threshold: 19

Pineapple Grenade
Pull the pin and throw for explosive results.Damage Type: All
Max uses: 1
Attack bonus: 10
Damage bonus: 5
Damage dice: 6d8
Crit Multiplier: 3
Crit threshold: 20
Some additional weapons such as a one-shot cannon could be found by foraging walruses in the Walrus Captaining Game, but this was much rarer and not a main source of weaponry.
Lore Wiki » Epic Weeks » Epic Week 2023 » Gameplay » Combat and Weapons