The Walrus Captaining Game was an element of Epic Week 2023. Players could guide their walrus companies to various points on the map in order to forage for crafting supplies, as well as sending their walruses to battle invasive lizards and reclaim control of the isle for the Struth.
Official Game Guide
Welcome to the walrus game! Moa has trained and equipped thousands of walruses for battle, but they need leadership to know what to do with their new skills and gear. When you enter the game for the first time, Moa will appear and assign you your company of 100 walruses.
You will start in Base Camp, which is located at 48,5 and has a tent icon.
Moving Around
You can get started in this game very easily. Just double-tap any hex to plan a route there.
Note that you will get an ETA for travel time to that location when making your plan, and you can influence it slightly by choosing what your walruses prioritize on their trip. Speed is the fastest, but you'll get the least random events (which might lead you to find items!). Foraging is the slowest, but you'll have a higher chance of random events and finding items.
If you want your walruses to keep repeating the same route back and forth, mark "Repeat on loop"
If you're happy with the plan, click "Give Orders"
Your walruses will not move instantly - it can take minutes for walruses to switch hexes, as each hex represents miles of territory. Different types of territory take different amounts of time to cover, with ocean being the very fastest and mountains taking the longest. Note that base camp is built in the middle of some hill hexes, so leaving and entering camp can be slower than some other parts of your trip.
If your Current Activity section shows something other than "waiting for orders" your walruses have received their orders and are Working On It.
Custom paths
You draw a custom path for your walruses to follow (added a few days into Epic Week 2023.) Drag a line by starting on your company's icon.
You can still double-tap to make them attempt to plan the optimal path in terms of easiest terrain if this isn't a form of micro-managing you enjoy.
Do I Need to Be There?
The game keeps running whether you have it open or not, so you do not need to stare at your walruses for however many hours it takes them to complete their orders. You can assign them a looping route and then just check back in on them now and again if you like. Spend the rest of your time fighting lizards, working on solving riddles, entering contests and other ways to enjoy Epic Week.

Let them sweet blubber bois do the hard work for you.
Getting Items
Random finds
Each time your walrsuses switch hexes, they have a chance for something to happen in the new hex. This might be combat if the area is infested with invasive lizards, but it can be other kinds of random events, too. Occasionally, this may be a random item. What items you can find is influenced by the type of terrain you moved into.
Harvest points
The fastest and most reliable way of getting items is by going to a harvest point. I'll leave it the community to build a full list of them and what can be found there in the posts below, but they tend to look like these sorts of things on the map:
Walruses on a hex containing a harvest point will gradually fill up their inventory with the item(s) that can be found there. Some resources are faster to extract than others (for example: mining is hard work, and takes longer than gathering flower petals!)
Take them back to base camp
When your walrus company arrives back in camp, everything that is in their inventory will be transferred to your inventory. You can then use the items for crafting, donate them to the armory, or throw them into collection symbols on the prisms.
Looping between base and harvest points
If you set up a loop that starts/ends on base camp, and starts/ends on a harvest point, your walruses will travel to the harvest point and stay there until their inventory has no more room in it. They will then travel back to base camp and stay there until they heal back to 100% health. They will then repeat until they reach 0% health or until you give them new orders, potentially giving you frequent new item infusions into your inventory throughout the event.
Equipping Your Walruses
How your walruses perform on the maneuvers you assign them will be influenced by how you equip them. You can re-equip them while they are in base camp.
You can see what different mixes of kit will do to your speed, combat bonus and carry capacity before deciding.
Low Health = slower travel. Heal up in base camp!
Injured walruses have a harder time moving around.
There are random events that can happen that restore small quantitites of health, but the best and fastest way to heal your company is to send them back to base camp where they can be seen in the veterinary hospital tent.
Keep Them Moving!
Remember: Your wallies will take a nap if they have no orders. If you want them to keep attacking a specific hex once they arrive, make them loop back and forth over two hexes so they don't just form a heap and snore.

Locations In Game
This is a list of locations compiled by players, along with notes of what they found there. There may have been other locations to discover or things that could have been foraged from certain locations that were not discovered during the week.
Harvest Points
- (3,10) Sunken Ship
- (21, 6) Reef - red and blue fish, very rare puffer fish find
- (31, 7) Sand Quarry - sand
- (26, 23) Spiny Thicket - thorns
- (9, 28), (9-10,29) Ruins - thorns, flintlock pistols, portable cannons, party hats
- (9,36) Ultra-scenic Beach - hibiscus petals, messages in bottles, sand, uncommon find of party hats or cannons
- (28, 41) Ancient Copse - mostly bark, some honeycomb and seedpods
- (3,47) Algae Bloom - all 3 kinds of fish, but heavy on pufferfish
- (34, 47), (35, 46) Ruins - thorns, flintlock pistols, portable cannons, party hats
- (46, 45) Teeming Swamp - lots of seed pods, some petals
- (57, 36) Dense Undergrowth - seed pods, bark, petals and thorns
- (39, 31) Wildflower Bloom - petals, honeycomb
- (41-43, 35), (42, 36) Ruins - thorns, flintlock pistols, portable cannons, party hats
- (75, 34) Deep Mines - lapis lazuli, and rarely, pet rocks
- (85, 20) Kelp Forest
- (74, 21) Blue Mines - lapis lazuli, dwarven mining picks
- (76, 8) Sand Quarry (in a desert) - sand. but like... faster harvesting times
- (50, 16) Flowering Field - petals, honeycomb
- (59, 15), (60, 16) Ruins - thorns, flintlock pistols, portable cannons, party hats
- (69, 1) Reef
Other points of interest
- (48, 5) Base Camp
- (42, 2) Pyramid Prism
- (55, 1) Triangular Prism
- (49, 7) Heptagonal Prism
Lore Wiki » Epic Weeks » Epic Week 2023 » Gameplay » Walrus Captaining Game