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You are currently shopping for Lands Of Vexin.

Featured Sales

Box of Chocolates

You never quite know what you're going to get

$3.75 USD

Rainbow Rose

A token of admiration

$2.49 USD

Bouquet of Rainbow Roses

5 Rainbow roses

$12.45 $10.50 USD

Epic Membership Subscription

This subscription automatically adds 31 days of Epic Membership directly to your account every time you get low. Cancel any time.

$4.95 $4.50 USD


Oil of Epicness

Adds one month of epicness to a user

$4.95 USD

Greater Oil of Epicness

Adds one month of epicness to a group

$9.90 USD

Wand of Epicness

Adds three months of epicness to a user

$14.85 USD

Greater Wand of Epicness

Adds three months of epicness to a group

$29.70 USD

Hourglass of Epicness

Adds 12 months of epicness to a user

$59.40 $55.00 USD

Greater Hourglass of Epicness

Adds 12 months of epicness to a group

$118.80 $110.00 USD

Page Torn From a Magic Book

Grants an extra page slot

$1.50 USD

Book of Blank Pages

Adds 7 extra pages to a group or user

$10.50 $7.50 USD

Masquerade Mask

Adds 1 name change token

$9.99 USD

Enchanted Silk Cloak

Adds 1 character slot to a user

$3.75 USD

Dragon's Tooth

Adds 5 character slots to a user

$18.75 $14.99 USD

Greater Rune of Epicness

Adds 10 days of epicness to a group

$3.30 USD

Accolade Display Stand

Display more accolades on your profile!

$7.99 $4.99 USD

Loot Display Stand

Display more loot on your profile!

$7.99 $4.99 USD

Blue Wrapping Paper

Wraps five items

$1.00 USD

Red Wrapping Paper

Wraps five items

$1.00 USD

Green Wrapping Paper

Wraps five items

$1.00 USD

Yellow Wrapping Paper

Wraps five items

$1.00 USD

Purple Wrapping Paper

Wraps five items

$1.00 USD

Black & White Wrapping Paper

Wraps five items

$1.25 USD

Red Rose

A token of affection

$2.49 USD

Yellow Rose

A token of friendship

$2.49 USD

Bunch of Yellow & Red Roses

2 Red, 3 Yellow roses

$12.45 $10.50 USD

Real Life RPR Swag

2022 Genre Jumble Totebag

$25.00 USD

4 left in stock.

2021 Genre Jumble Totebag

Totey goodness!

$25.00 USD

7 left in stock.

2019 Genre Jumble Totebag

Totey goodness!

$25.00 $20.00 USD

7 left in stock.

Laptop Stickers

Set of 3

$3.45 USD

66 left in stock.

Pen Set

2 ballpoint pens

$5.45 USD

31 left in stock.

Mission Patch

Op. Audacious Phoenix

$5.00 $3.45 USD