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What is a group?

Although groups are hosted on the RP Repository and subject to some of its basic rules, they are about 99% run and managed by the user(s) that found them and whoever they choose to deputize.

With the exceptions of illegal, abusive or underaged sexual content, we largely allow groups to set and enforce their own rules.

A group may have its own profile pages, private forums, calendar of events, moderating team, news announcements, criteria for membership and more.

This makes groups ideal for long-term RP, where world-building information and dedicated forums for that RP can all be stored together. For this reason, some of the most serious RP and RPers can be found in various groups.

But groups don't have to be about RP -- they can also be OOC gathering places for people who all have a particular OOC hobby or interest.

Because groups are largely self-regulated, please use sound judgement about whether or not you trust the founder and their chosen group moderating team before joining. A group belongs to its founder, so you have little recourse if the founder chooses to close their group or remove you from it for any reason.

How do I join a group?

First you need to find a group you want to join. The most direct way to do this is to go to "Community" » "Groups" and search for whatever strikes your fancy.

RP Groups may also be suggested by a search via the RP Finder.

Still other groups advertise for new members on the forums, especially the Looking for RP forum.

Once you've located the group you want to join, click its name or icon to view the group's profile. On group profiles, there is a toolbar at the very top of the page. Click the "Join Group" link (it may be phrased as "Join (group name here)".

If the group has an application process or membership criteria, you will be informed and led through the process.

How do I create a group?

Go to go to "Community" » "Groups" and click the "Create a Group" button in the sidebar.

How do I manage my group?

There are a lot of tools to familiarize yourself with to manage a group. Reference the following tutorials for more information:

But the real challenge is managing the social aspects. For that, we recommend you read the article "Running a RP Group".

Remember: running a group is a privilege, not a right

If you are found to be unable to manage your own group, such that it is being used for abuse, illegal content, or other unpleasantness, the group may be closed.

How do I archive a group?

If you are the group founder, you can archive a group like this:

  1. Go to Your Stuff » Groups and click the pencil next to the name of the group you want to archive. This will take you to the group's management overview page.
  2. Go to "Founder Options" (It's got the crown icon! )
  3. Click the "Archive Group" button.
  4. You're done!

You can un-archive your group on the same page, if you made a mistake or change your mind.

Archiving is different from deleting a group in the following ways:

  • Archiving does not delete the group.
  • Everyone who was a member at the time that the group is archived can remain a member, and go back to review the logs whenever they like.
  • Archived groups can no longer be posted in - no forum posts, no announcement or event comments.
  • Archived groups can not be joined, or applied to for joining.
  • Archived groups are not shown in the community Groups search, or in Find RP search results.
  • Archived groups will no longer show in member's main list of groups they are a part of. However, they can look at their list of archived groups to continue to access them.
  • Archiving a group CAN be undone, if your group later decides to revive your RP!

How do I access a group that was archived?

If you were a member of a group that was archived, you can access it in the following way:

  1. Go to Your Stuff » Groups
  2. Find the "View Archived Groups" in the sidebar (or at the bottom of the page, if you are using mobile)
  3. All your archived groups will appear on that page, assuming you have any. :)

How do I delete a group?

Only a group founder can delete a group. Before deleting, consider archiving the group instead.

  1. Go to Your Stuff » Groups and click the pencil next to the name of the group you want to delete. This will take you to the group's management overview page.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the management page, and find the "Delete (GROUP NAME)" link.
  3. Click the "Delete (GROUP NAME) link" and follow the on-screen prompts to confirm.

Deleting a group cannot be undone.



February 6, 2025

Archived groups shut down the ability to post. If you’re a member of the archived group, you can still enter and read ‘members only’ content. Once you leave an archived group, you won’t be able to get back in as archived groups don’t accept new members.


June 23, 2024

Hio! Is there a time frame for re-application to a group after being rejected?

I was trouble-shooting an issue on my own: (my character in group was archived, which seemed to prevent me from posting.)
I left the group, reapplied, then the server sent me an auto reply rejection.